Why Can't It Be So - Datzu

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Tzuyu walked around her lavishly modern apartment as she dimmed the lights to set a soft ambiance to the whole place. Setting up a romantic mood with some classical music playing softly in the background.

Dahyun was supposed to be coming over tonight and she wanted everything to be just perfect. If all went as planned this would be a night that neither one of them would ever forget.

She and Dahyun had been dating for the better part of eight wonderful months. They had gone through their ups and downs throughout their friendship. Crisis had been a major turning point for both of them. Tzuyu especially as she experienced her own death and resurrection in the span of a month. A life changing experience such as that really puts things into perspective and Tzuyu had always been certain of one thing her undeniable feelings for Dahyun. So she found herself longing to see Dahyun's monolided chocolate eyes and her bright beautiful smile that could light up a whole room. Just to see Dahyun at all. Tzuyu just wanted to know she was alright.

So when Dahyun flew into her office to check up on her despite their current disagreements and setbacks Tzuyu immediately ran up to her and embraced her in a fierce hug. Immediately feeling elated to know Dahyun was alright. She felt Dahyun hug her tighter. Pulling her closer smelling her hair. Making sure she was real. As Dahyun pulled away from the embrace she said

“Oh thank god jihyo you’re okay Tzuyu.” Tzuyu saw the relief in Dahyun's watery eyes. Tzuu felt her own eyes watering as well when Dahyun continued to speak

“Tzuyu I know I hurt you and I’m so sor…” Dahyun was cut off by Tzuyu's lips on hers. Tzuyu was kissing her. Dahyun was taken aback but returned the kiss in kind.

Finally when the need for air was beginning to make her feel lightheaded Tzuyu pulled back from Dahyun's lips.

Tzuyu slowly opened her eyes looking at Dahyun's face. Her eyes were still closed with a dopey smile plastered across her face. “I love you Dahyun.” Tzuyu told her as she gently caressed Dahyun's cheek. Dahyun pulled Tzuyu hand from her face and interlaced their fingers as she kissed the back of Tzuyu's hand before she spoke.

“I love you too Tzuyu. I always have.”

Both women kissed once more before Dahyun was called back to the office. Before leaving Dahyun promised to come back to visit Tzuyu when she was done with her work.


The two then had spent the next three months in utter bliss. Spending every moment they could together.

When the topic of becoming intimate had come up Dahyun was a little apprehensive. Always wanting to be the one to please Tzuyu. But not letting Tzuyu return the favor for whatever reason. It wasn’t until Tzuyu became frustrated one night when Dahyun had finished eating her out and was making her way to the restroom to take care of herself. As Dahyun always did after she made love to her. Tzuyu had had enough she pulled on Dahyun's arm tugging her back into her massive king sized bed.

“Dahyun let me touch you please” Tzuyu whispered seductively against Dahyun ear. “Tzuyuuuu.” Dahyun whined.

“Come on Dahyun please I want to please you just like you please me..” Tzuyu told her snaking her hand down Dahyun's shirt to the top of waistband of her sleeping shorts. But before her hand could slip under the waistband Dahyun grabbed her hand gently pulling it away.

“Tzuyu it’s okay you don’t have to do that. I get pleasure just from watching you cum.” Dahyun confessed.

But Tzuyu was not satisfied with that answer.

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