Drive In - Saida

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No matter how tired Sana was after a long day of work, whatever Dahyun wanted…she would always make an exception and do those things, just to see that same attractive smile and shining eyes that made her fall for the girl all those years ago.

So when Dahyun excitedly hopped over to Sana making dinner that night, showing her on her school laptop that the drive-in theater was going to play her favorite 70’s action movie, Sana couldn’t resist the happiness of her adorable girlfriend, feeling her heart explode in a pit of flutters to give into her desired request.

Now, Sana wasn’t really a fan of large crowds. She preferred to just lay in a secluded park near a peaceful pond while she laid on Dahyun’s chest and hear the latter sing calming songs throughout the air. Dahyun, was the exact opposite of course, fore she loved taking Sana to all these music festivals and night clubs to add a little more…spice to their lives.

But, as mentioned earlier. Sana beared through it all just to see her girlfriend happy. Cause at the end of the day, that’s all that mattered to her. So she didn’t hesitate to buy the pre-paid tickets at that moment for the midnight showing in a few days. They were in much need of a date-night with each other anyways, and Sana much rather preferred the drive-in than an actual movie theater full of people everywhere she turned. They can just stay in the comfort of their own car, no biggy…

So when the day finally came, Sana was as excited as Dahyun to have this night all to themselves…and the multiples of other vehicles surrounding them…but it was still better than most places, nothing less…

And that’s where they are now, Sana sitting in the passenger’s seat, while Dahyun in the driver’s, facing towards the large projection of the anticipated film.

As stated, this is Dahyun’s favorite movie. So they’ve seen it about…hmmm…maybe 400 times before? But Sana understood Dahyun’s excitement with a theater playing it for the first time in years, that’s another reason why the woman went along with it. But, seeing the movie again for the 401 time…she couldn’t help but feel a little…well…bored.

Sana was bored.

She was watching it intently for the first 20 minutes, then after that, she found herself repeating the words of the cast and rolled her eyes out of forced recollection. But glancing over to her left side, seeing Dahyun doing the same mimicking but with a big smile on her face, made Sana huff in defeat, staring back at the screen and taking a sip of the soda they brought from home.

A few more minutes went by and Sana’s boredom quickly started up again. Unsurprisingly. She glanced at her side to see her girlfriend’s reaction again, only for her breath to hitch at the impeccable view. The moonlight reflected on her girlfriend’s beaming face and newly highlighted hair, showcasing her collarbones, down to her paled arms in the bralette she decided to wear, exposing her hard abs and more of her delectable skin that Sana loved so much.

Sana eyed her girlfriend one more time before staring back at the movie again, but that only lasted a couple seconds, before her eyes fell back on Dahyun who was seriously looking so tasty right now. Sana adjusted in the passenger seat and shook her head a bit, suddenly feeling a little hot. She released a sigh and drank more of the soda, catching Dahyun’s attention.

“Can I have a sip?” Dahyun asked gently.

Sana gave a little nod and released her lips from the straw, watching Dahyun place her own lips on it and drink its contents, finishing with a refreshing ‘ah~’ effect, earning a small giggle from the older.

As Dahyun placed the cup down and turned back to the movie, Sana now blatantly stared at the girl. Shamelessly gazing down at her girlfriend’s beautiful body, her eyes continuing to follow the light traveling lower and lower…until she reached the area she was very well familiar with. Sana feeling an intense sensation in the pit of her stomach…finally realizing her odd–kinda inappropriate–behavior…

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