Strange Fruit - Dahyo

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One afternoon, Kim Dahyun was watching TV, catching up on an old show she used to watch about life in the military. These shows reminded her of her life in the army, and how a certain volunteer from the medical corps had won her over-and become her wife.

As she binged her show, the door to her house opened. "Dahyunie!" a lovely voice called. "I'm home!"

Dahyun pressed pause on the TV and walked to the hall, seeing her wife Jihyo carrying some heavy shopping through the front door. "Sorry I'm late, dear," Jihyo excused. "There was a lot of traffic on the way back."

Dahyun kissed her wife on the cheek. "At least you got back safely." She took Jihyo's bags into the kitchen, placing one of them on the table. As she helped Jihyo put the shopping away, something grabbed her attention. In one of the bags was a set of strange fruits: green and potato-shaped, with small red spots all over them. "Jihyo?" she inquired. "What are these?"

"Oh, they're called Passion fruits," Jihyo explained. "I don't know where they're from, but they were half price. Do you want one?"

"I'll probably blend it," Dahyun said. "I'm heading to the gym later with Chaeyoung and Tzuyu."

"Well, at least you'll be getting your five a day," Jihyo remarked with a smile.

Dahyun gave her wife a hug. "I hope they don't keep the doctor away. I'd miss her far too much."

Jihyo blushed. "You are always so kind to me, Dahyun."

"You are my wife, after all." Dahyun smirked, wrapping her arms around Jihyo's waist.

Jihyo touched foreheads with her wife and smiled. "And I'm the best wife you'll ever get," she said proudly.

"That is also true," Dahyun agreed. She leaned close and kissed Jihyo on the lips.

Jihyo kissed back, embracing Dahyun, her fingertips tracing the lines of the woman's muscles.

Dahyun opened her mouth slightly, sliding her tongue into Jihyo's mouth as she pressed her wife against the smooth surface of the kitchen counter.

Jihyo cupped Dahyun's cheeks and pushed her away gently. "Enough making out, Mrs. Kim. You're going to be late for the gym."

Dahyun sighed. "I suppose you have a point, but you'll be all mine when you get back."

Jihyo winked. "I'll be looking forward to it."


About thirty minutes later in the gym, Dahyun sat and did bicep curls with a set of dumbbells, beads of sweat rolling down her forehead. She was there with her friends: a young taiwanese girl named Tzuyu, who was running on a treadmill, and a another korean girl named Chaeyoung, who was riding an exercise bike.

"You alright, love?" Tzuyu asked. "You look a bit tired."

"No, Tzuyu, I'm fine," Dahyun said. She hadn't been to the gym in a while, so it took some time to get into what she called her 'zone'.

"Maybe you should get a drink," Chaeyoung suggested.

Dahyun put her dumbbells down and sighed. "You're right. I'll just go and get my water bottle from the changing rooms. I'll be back."

"Take your time, love," Tzuyu advised her. "Don't want you burning out."

"I never burn out, Tzuyu," Dahyun remarked. "I fly like an eagle." And with that she headed to the changing rooms.

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