Care Of Needs - Saida

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Dahyun hurried quickly back to their dorm room, trying not to let anyone notice the flustered look on her face and the awkwardness of her walk. In truth, she wouldn’t have realised if anybody did take notice to her, since her mind was preoccupied with feelings of fear and embarrassment of being caught, and of course, sexual frustration due to her being in heat.

Dahyun had made the drastic error of miscalculating when she would go into heat, having been in the library when her penis and testicles had started growing between her legs under the table, and she had been forced to abandon her literature to return to her dorm to ‘take care of her needs’, and avoid any unwanted attention.

As she stumbled through the halls, thankful that they were practically empty at this time in the evening, Dahyun could feel her member grow hard already. She could usually tuck it back to hide it during the day, but her natural bodily functions had caught her off guard, leading to the situation that she found herself in now.

The younger finally reached her dorm, fumbling slightly with the door, before finally unlocking it, and dashing in, locking the door behind her. As she made her way to her bed, planning to rip off her skirt and start masturbating, her eyes caught movement on Sana's bed. She across to the bed, and gasped, covering her hard-on as she spotted Sana sat on her own bed.

“What on God Jihyo is the matter!?” Sana exclaimed, immediately placing down the book she had been reading when Dahyun's commotion caught her attention. Luckily, she hadn’t yet noticed the not so subtle bulge between Dahyun's legs, as the younger girl looked around for something to hide it with.

“Please, Sana, could you just leave for... I don’t know, five minutes?” Dahyun pleaded, sweating from her running and her breaths shallow.

“No, I cannot just ‘leave’ simply because you demanded me to without an explanation! What has gotten into you?” Sana asked, getting up and making her way over to Dahyun, who backed away cautiously. “You’re sweating, your face is bright red, you’ve developed some sort of twitch, and there’s a...” Sana stopped dead in her tracks, silencing herself when she saw what was between Dahyun's legs. Seeing her member's fear, Dahyun tried to reassure her.

“Sana, it’s not what you think!” Dahyun protested, stepping forward, only for Sana to step away.

“What... what I...” Sana stammered, her eyes glued to Dahyun's crotch. “Dahyunie... what is that?” She asked, swallowing as she looked Dahyun in the eyes.

“It’s my... penis...” Dahyun admitted, eliciting a scared yelp from Sana. “Please! Let me explain!” Dahyun urged. To her surprise, Sana actually nodded, sitting down on the side of her bed, while Dahyun sat down on hers on the opposite side of the room.

“Alright... okay, I’m sure there’s a perfectly innocent explanation for this, right Dahyunie?” Sana asked, trying to reassure herself. Not wanting to freak out her squirrel member even more, Dahyun nodded.

“There is.” She told her, as the older listened intently. “You see... Do you know how some animals go though heat cycles?” Sana nodded, as Dahyun tried to find the simplest way of explaining to Sana what was happening to her. “Well, Faunus also go through these heat cycles. They’re every month, starting from when we reach sexual maturity, and usually last a week or so. Anyway, the point of them obviously is to... well, mate. To breed and reproduce. So, Faunus evolved so that during their heat cycles, men’s penis grow, and both male and female Faunus have a very powerful and hard to resist sex drive. Are you with me so far?” Dahyun asked.

“I... I think so.” Sana replied quietly.

“Good.” Dahyun continued. Now for the hard part. “Well, one other thing that happens during heat, particularly to female Faunus, is that they grow a... well, we grow a penis and pair of testicles so that more Faunus can breed, and thus increase our collective species chances of survival. It’s not of much use in the modern day, but it’s still a part of our biology that significantly impacts our lives.” Dahyun finished her explanation, sighing and looking over at Sana, hoping that the older girl would say something soon.

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