Bathroom Mission - Saida

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Sana was laughing, laughing so hard at her friend's jokes. She was sitting on her sofa. Around her, there were her new friends. Sana really liked them. She found out she had more things in common with them than she initially thought.

"And then she said: at least I've got a car. And then left." Miyeon was good at telling jokes. The circle burst out in a peal of general laughter.

"Oh god," Sana laughed loudly. She was having a really good time. She hadn't had a good time in so long. She kept laughing even when the others stop.

"You guys are something else. You are hilarious. At first, I thought you were kind of lame but now, at this moment. I-I think I love you guys." Sana didn't know why she was saying all those things, maybe it was the alcohol in her body that was talking. She had only three drinks but the effect was visible.

"Thanks, Sana. You are not so bad yourself." Joy said not knowing how to take what Sana said. She couldn't understand if it was a compliment or an insult.

"Maybe you should join us," Miyeon proposed to Sana. She was kind of tipsy, not as bad as Sana though.

Sana was thinking about this. Going around with them. Maybe she should ask Chan. He would like them if he spent more time with them.

"Do I get to dress as a mermaid again?" Sana asked them. "Because I look really good in that costume"

"Yeah, you could dress as you want. You could be nemo" Miyeon proposed with even more excitement than Sana.

"Yeah. I like that. We could be sea creatures. It would be so cool" Sana started imagining it very clearly, well as best as she could, since her mind was foggy.

"We could get you a costu-" Miyeon was interrupted by a sudden gunshot. Then there was something thrown at the window, fortunately, the object didn't break it.

They all looked at each other, not knowing what to do. Sana's instinct activated automatically. The effect of alcohol was completely canceled by fear. Her body moved on its own. She went for her bow. She was ready to fight.

Something hit the window again, breaking it. The force of the hit spread glasses all around the apartment. Sana was immediately pointing at the window, ready to shoot.

Someone was trying to climb on the wall to enter. A pair of hands appeared, trying to break into Sana's apartment. The intruder was struggling since grunts could be heard coming out of him.

"Go away" Sana whispered to the group, not wanting them to be exposed to possible mortal danger. After deciding if they should leave Sana on its own, they listened to her and left the apartment.

Sana's mind was racing. Thinking about all the enemies that could want her dead and climb into her apartment at this hour of the night. While lost in her thoughts the intruder hopped up on the window.

Sana almost shot her arrows but the intruder didn't attack her. He left himself fall on the hard floor. He was now laying on the floor, face-up, and with a hand pressed on his sides. He looked hurt.

He took off his black mask to breathe better and threw it away.

Sana immediately recognized the blonde hair and lowered her arrow. She immediately run to her girlfriend lying down on the floor.

"Dahyun" she pronounced her name in a whisper just to tell herself that her girlfriend was really in front of her.

"Wha-Why are you here. I thought you were in Jeju!" Sana was shocked.

Her girlfriend was supposed to be on a mission in Jeju, she was not supposed to be here, on her apartment floor, after breaking through her apartment.

"Hi Sana baby" she sounded out of breath. "Nice to see you too" She got up on her own, since Sana couldn't metabolize it, and went into the kitchen. Dahyun acted like nothing happened, and prepared herself a glass of water.

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