Magic Goes Wrong - Dayeon

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Things often came easy for Dahyun. She had a bright mind and mastered any subject she tackled. When she set her mind on something, she didn't rest until she perfected it, and this included magic. Daily, Dahyun would spend hours trying to advance her craft and today was no different. Ingredients were scattered on her living room table, with a pot settled in the middle. She sat on the floor holding her mother's magic book and scanned the instructions before adding the last ingredient in the pot.

A small puff of smoke emerged from the pot and Dahyun waited for the smoke to clear before getting on her knees and looking inside. She looked excitedly but was soon disappointed when she found it empty. She sat back down on the floor with a grunt. She didn't understand what went wrong. She carefully followed every step. She revised the spell, her eyes scanning every word, but stopped when she felt something start to form between her legs.

She jumped, startled at what she felt. Something was growing and she had a strong suspicion of what it might be. In a panic, Dahyun dropped her mother's book on the floor and ran to her bathroom. She was panting by the time she reached the sink. Shaky hands unbutton her pant suit and push it down to reveal a penis.

"What the hell?!" She yelled and stared at a limp penis hanging between her legs.

She continued to stare and couldn't believe her life had reached a new level of weirdness. It had to be the spell; she was sure of it, but she didn't know how a simple healing spell turned into her having a dick. The worse part, she didn't know how to undo it.

She briefly considered asking Nayeon for help but quickly dismissed the idea. However, the thought of her attractive best friend had her body warming and she yelped when her dick started to get hard. She hurriedly lifted her pants and regretted it when she buttoned up her pants. It was far too tight and uncomfortable with something else occupying the area.

She awkwardly walked to her bedroom. Once she reached her drawer, she hastily changed into something more comfortable and afterwards rushed to the living room to look through her mother's spell book.

She was deep in concentration that she didn't hear boots landing on her balcony and didn't hear Nayeon calling her name. She only knew of the blonde's presences when she felt a soft touch on her shoulder. Dahyun jumped, throwing the book in the air before turning with her hands up, ready to attack the intruder with her magic. She found Nayeon staring at her with frighting eyes.

"Dahyunie, it's me!"

Dahyun let out a sigh. "You scared me."

"Sorry", Nayeon gave her an apologetic look. "I called out your name, but you were really into your spell book."

Suddenly remembering her situation, Dahyun put her hands over her crotch and felt herself blush. Nayeon frowned at the action, tilting her head in confusion.

"Why are you doing that?"

Dahyun shut her eyes at the question. She was certain there was some entity out there just thinking of new ways to humiliate Dahyun. She opened her eyes to find a baffled Nayeon. "This is really embarrassing."

The wrinkles around Nayeon's eyes softened. "What's going on?"

"I did a spell", Dahyun pushed the words out through tight lips, hating that she was about to tell her crush she had a penis. "And now I have a penis."

Silence followed and Dahyun really wished some alien would show up and wreak havoc, so she won't have to deal with this moment.

Nayeon opened and closed her mouth before finally saying, "did you say you have a penis?"

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