Balcony - Saida

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Sana didn't question Dahyun, not when she ordered her to remove her clothes and go out onto her office balcony, not when the blonde left her standing there, alone, for several minutes, not even when she felt her approach her. Sana stood, her hands on the railing as Dahyun had instructed, and waited. The younger girl remained still behind her, her body close enough that she could feel the heat radiating from Dahyun's body, but not close enough for her to warm her cooling flesh.

Finally, Sana felt her fingers trickle down her spine, and her back instinctively arched under the blonde’s strong touch. Dahyun removed her hand, and again, Sana waited, silent.

Sana felt her breath, hot against her ear, "Good girl."

Sana's nipples hardened immediately, as they always did when Dahyun said those words. Sana smiled to herself, careful to keep her reaction from showing visibly, As always Sana was content simply knowing that she pleased Dahyun.

The blonde’s strong hands slid down her shoulder, down her arm, and to her hand, which she efficiently fastened to the rail with a length of nylon rope.

Sana breathed in sharply, realizing Dahyun's intention, but still she did not move. She did not question. Instead Sana waited, calming her breath, as the muscular blonde fastened her other hand to the rail. The ropes were tight, and Sana felt the nylon rub roughly against the skin of her wrist.

"Spread your legs," Dahyun whispered.

Sana opened her legs wider, leaving plenty of room between them for whatever Dahyun intended.

Sana felt her absence immediately, and she realized Dahyun had left her alone again on the balcony. Only this time, she would be unable to cover herself if someone happened to see her. Not that anybody can see her from this high. Sana, the CEO of the Minatozaki-Corp, standing naked, displaying her body unashamedly for her lover’s pleasure.

Minutes passed, how many it was impossible to know. Sana entertained herself by watching the traffic and people on the street below. Sana didn't know whether she was more embarrassed or aroused, and she suspected that had been Dahyun's intention.

Finally, Sana heard the rustle of movement behind her. She did not turn her head because she knew from experience that if she moved from Dahyun's instructed position, she would be punished. So instead, she stood and waited for her lover to reveal her intentions.

It didn't take long. A quick cut through the air and the sting of a flogger landed across Sana's back. Her breath caught more from the surprise than the pain. Another lash across her ass cheeks, and she knew instinctively that the next would land across her thighs. Dahyun knew the sting aroused Sana, and she knew the power the blonde felt striking her lover with the flogger aroused her.

Sana lost count of the lashes as Dahyun covered her skin, striking as much as she could. The brunette did not move. Dahyun had trained her well, and she could accept her floggings without a flinch, though it had taken many practices.

"Good girl," Dahyun whispered, setting the flogger down on a nearby chair. "You like that people can see you, can see you naked and being flogged, can see you like the slut you are Minatozaki Sana"

Sana sucked in a breath at Dahyun's words. It did turn her on being so vulnerable and exposed in such a precarious location. She no longer cared that someone might see her (which is impossible) unless someone try to attack her today. Just the thought of some alien landing on her balcony only to see The great Minatozaki Sana, getting pounded by Kim Dahyun made her pussy throb in pleasure.

The cool breeze against the sting of her skin was almost shocking, and it aroused her even more.

“Answer me” Dahyun growled, smacking her already sore ass.

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