Inauguration - Dahyo

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Dahyun walked purposely towards the bar to get a second round of beers for her and her friends.

They've been in Seoul for a week now, enjoying a well-deserved post-graduation trip. They've done it, they were out of high school finally, and all their parents had gifted them with the trip of their dreams.

As if a group of 18 years old alone in the city wasn't enough, they got to use the Chou card whenever they wanted access to the real fun. Being best friends with the daughter of a billionaire had its perks.

But while her friends were there to have fun and enjoy one final trip together before they each went away to their respective colleges, Dahyun had another goal.

She wanted to have sex. She wanted to lose her virginity before college.

"Another round of beers!" Dahyun signaled the bartender, "Table 7."

The guy nodded at her and sent another guy to make the delivery.

Dahyun smiled and turned and bumped against another person, spilling their drink on them.

"Oh, sorry!" Dahyun said, reaching to help the stranger.

"I'm ok, don't worry" The soft voice of a woman said.

Dahyun looked up and locked eyes with the most beautiful woman she's ever seen.

"Hi," Dahyun said, offering her hand.

The woman, raising one eyebrow while using a napkin to clean herself,  smiled, "Hi."

"I'm sorry," Dahyun chuckled nervously, "I caused a mess."

"What's your name?" She said, waving off her apology.

"Dahyun," Dahyun said, "Yours?"

"Jihyo," Jihyo responded with a soft smile.

Jihyo was the woman of everyone's dream. Her long beautiful brown hair framed the most perfect face. Jihyo was wearing a short dress that showed her beautiful tanned legs and gave her a view of her cleavage.

"Eyes up here," Jihyo teased.

Dahyun snapped her head up, "I'm sorry."

"No, you are not," Jihyo smiled, throwing away the napkin and the empty beer on a trash can.

"No, I'm not," Dahyun confessed.

They both laughed, the crowd around them pushing them closer.

Dahyun was quickly getting hard under her pants. She ran a hand through her hair and took a deep breath, trying to calm her anxiety.

"Are you here alone?" Jihyo asked, stepping closer to speak over the loud music.

"No," Dahyun said, smelling Jihyo's perfume and trying hard not to show how it was affecting her, "I'm with some friends."

"Oh," Jihyo said, looking disappointed.

"I mean," Dahyun quickly said, "They are somewhere having their fun."

Jihyo smiled and nodded, "Do you want to dance?"

Dahyun responded, "I would love to."

Jihyo grabbed Dahyun's hand and pulled her through the crowd of people towards the dance floor. The music was an upbeat song, and they both started moving to the rhythm of the beat.

"How old are you, Dahyun?" Jihyo asked, stepping closer to Dahyun's body.

"18," Dahyun said, her hands going to Jihyo's waist, "Is this ok?"

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