Best Way To Say Sorry - Mihyun

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It wasn't fair.

It wasn't supposed to be this way; Dahyun is supposed to be here, with her older step sister, in this room, taking care of her. But she was gone, and Dahyun was alone, alone in this dreary home. What was life without Mina? What was light in this bleak darkness that surrounds her? Dahyun had taken her sister's love for granted, but when, when had she been the fool?

She paced back through the hall; the house was empty, save for her and Mina, who was in her room for hours. Dahyun was angry, or she shouldn't be; it was her fault anyway. Mina was still mad at her, but that was three days ago. Their mother was revisiting Jihyo, and Sana was hanging with her friends.

"Mina, can you open the door?"

"Go away, Dahyun!"

Mina shouted angrily, and Dahyun could hear, feel the passion of rage in her voice. "Mina, C'mon, you can't stay mad at me for the rest of your life." There then came some thumping to the door, and it opened with a glowering girl. Dahyun wasn't sure if she should be afraid or not.

"The hell I can't!"

Her eyes were red, puffy. She had been crying. Dahyun wanted to reach out but felt the action might prove futile in her attempt to comfort. Still, Dahyun tried.

Mina shoved past her to the kitchen. Dahyun was close behind her, trying to calm her sister down before she may fly off the handles. When Mina got angry, it was best to leave her alone, but Dahyun couldn't leave her, not when her sister needed her most, though Mina wouldn't admit it now.

"I don't get you, Dahyun... After everything I did for you, you would end up leaving me? My own step sister, who I took care of since she was thirteen, would leave me, and for what: bigger tits, a fatter ass? Well, fuck you, Dahyun, okay? Fuck you because I have been the best I can be to make you appreciate all I do. So excuse me for thinking you loved me for me, Dahyun."

Dahyun did love her more than anything in the world; however, Mina would not see her anger.

"Mina... That's not what this is about, I swear..."

"Oh, please!"

Mina said, unconvinced.

The older stormed past Dahyun again. She grabbed her keys, heading for the door. "Don't wait up for me; better yet, don't look for me at all anymore. I'm done."

Dahyun tried to grab Mina, but she got for her action; came a loud crack across her cheek. The pain was sharp and stung like hell; Dahyun fell back on the ground, holding her to the side of her face. Her eyes were a bit teary from the shock and force of the hit. Most of the hurt is the thought that Mina would think something of her: that she would cast her loving sister, who cared for her after all those years away. But was Mina, right? Dahyun had to evaluate the situation. Mina's been there when her father left them, and when their mother was a wreck, and when Dahyun needs were met with the warmth and tenderness, the love and delicate touch of her older sister. Mina was always there, never complaining, always giving. Yet Sana comes into the picture, and Dahyun's head over heels for the older woman.

She was so selfish, rude. It was downright unfair of her.

"Mina..." Dahyun began to cry, holding her cheek as a tear ran down to her chin.

Mina stood over her, her eyes too watering from the pain she was feeling inside. She was hurt, and nothing now would mend her. Yet the older took a step forward, slightly, to comfort her sister. But Mina was gone; she turned on her heel and went out the door; she couldn't face Dahyun, now. Dahyun watched as her sister left her alone, the door closing fast behind.

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