Trapped In Village - Dayeon

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Nayeon sighed heavily as she slumped down, looking at the semi-rotten door they had closed and locked behind them. It probably wouldn't hold up to more than a few kicks, even from someone who hadn't had their power unlocked. But it was the best they had and at least it would provide some warning if and when the monster showed up again.

Nayeon pulled out her scroll and frowned at it. The signal she was getting here was weak. It was really weak, too weak for her to expect any actual contact to be made. She quickly typed out a message to Jihyo and Momo, telling them about the situation she and Dahyun were in and that they would be making a break for it to the east when the sun rose. She set her scroll to try and send the message out every five minutes for the next two hours. Hopefully the signal would be strong enough at some point during that for it to work.

That done, she looked around. Dahyun was looking with disgust at the dirty, dusty house they had ended up in and was doing her best not to actually touch any part of it. Nayeon glanced out the window and couldn't see anything. Just ruined buildings along an empty, pock-marked street underneath the rising crescent moon. No sign of the monster. Yet.

"So..." Nayeon said, springing to her feet and clapping her hands together, "that probably could have gone better!"

"Really, Nayeon Unnie?" Dahyun asked, her sarcasm even more focused than usual. "What part do you think went poorly? The part where we got separated from half our team? The part where we're trapped in some ruined village? The part where we can't call for a ride out of here? Or was there something else that I've missed?"

"Okay, okay," Nayeon said, holding her hands up. "This isn't the best spot to be in, but hey!" She smiled. "At least we're still alive!"

That didn't cut very much ice with Dahyun. Her glare cooled a few more degrees and Nayeon shivered, drawing her cloak around her. She looked around for something to entertain themselves with. But there wasn't much. It seemed that when this village had fallen, whoever had lived here had managed to take most of their stuff with them.

"Don't get too gloomy, Dahyunie," Nayeon said, trying to put some cheer into her voice. "After all, in a spot like this, it's most important to be able to keep our spirits up and stay happy!"

Because while the monster would be here sooner or later, there was a difference between some wanderers randomly coming up the street and an entire horde of monster pouring through the window because Nayeon and Dahyun were having a screaming match with each other over who's fault this was. Something that Dahyun knew just as well as Nayeon as she bit off some nasty remark and curtly nodded.

Dahyun swept part of the floor clean, waving her sword around and sending the dust and the grime off to the side with a few glittering glyphs. She sat down, cross-legged, on the floor and looked up at Nayeon. There was enough space for Nayeon to join her, so the older did so.

Nayeon tried to think of something to do to help pass the time and keep their spirits up. Nothing really came to mind except for sleep, and sleep just wasn't a very good idea for both of them to be doing out here in the wilderness.

"I..." Dahyun trailed off, looking far more nervous than she usually did. She looked off to the side and coughed. "I actually know of a way that we could generate some positive emotions, Unnie." She shifted from side to side, looking very embarrassed. "It should work."

"Yeah?" Nayeon asked, looking up and smiling. "What are you think about."

"The two of us, we could..." Dahyun trailed off and a brilliant red blush appeared on her cheeks. Nayeon frowned and then the light dawned and she started to blush as well. "Well, you're a very attractive girl and I was thinking that we could..."

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