Control Me - Saida

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“I need you to fuck me.”

Dahyun froze at the coffee machine, finger hovering over the button. She looked in the reflection on the machine and saw Sana standing behind her, next to the island.

Slowly, she turned around so she was facing Sana and met her eyes. There was a seriousness in them, but Dahyun could see the barely concealed lust below.

“What?” She asked

“I need you to fuck me,” Sana repeated slowly.

“Why would I do that?” Dahyun asked, lips curling up in amusement.

She stepped away from the coffee machine, inching herself closer to Sana. The woman looked her up and down, head to toe.

“Because I’ve seen the way you look at me,” Sana told her, “and I know how you feel about me. You like me, you want to fuck me, and… I need you to.”

Despite Dahyun's feelings having apparently been easy to ready and now being out in the open, she didn’t try to deny it. Why would she?

Instead, she decided to toy with Sana a little more.

“You need me to?” She asked with a smug smirk and a slight tilt to her head.

Sana nodded either way.

“Yes,” she breathed. The energy around her flared a little before resettling.

Dahyun took the final step, putting herself and Dana's chest to chest. She brought one hand up and gently cupped Sana's chin.

“Yes what?” She prompted.

Sana searched her eyes while Dahyun waited for an answer. They were quiet for a moment as Sana decided on the correct response.

“Yes, daddy,” she settled on in a quiet mumble.

The right answer. Dahyun's breath caught as the words met her ears, arousal forming in the pit of her stomach, and Sana looked up at her through her pretty lashes.

She let go of Sana's chin, watching with satisfaction at the woman’s energy flared again at the loss of contact.

“Go to my room, take off your clothes, and wait for me on the bed. Do you think you can do that?” Dahyun asked.

“Yes,” Sana nodded, and when Dahyun raised her brow, she added, “daddy.”

“Good girl. I’ll be up in ten minutes,” Dahyun told her with dismissal.

There was a nod from Sana before the woman took her cue to leave. Dahyun watched her go with a smirk then turned back to her coffee.

There was no use drinking it now. She took her mug and dumped the coffee in the trash, then put the empty mug in the sink.

Sana was waiting for her, there was no time to be wasted.

After cancelling her meeting that had been booked for half an hour from now, she slowly made her way up to her room. She decided to take her time because that meant Sana had to wait longer; it would show her who was really in control here.

She finally arrived at her room a few minutes later, and gazed at the light spilling from under the door. She smothered her satisfied grin just before opening the door and stepping inside.

She was glad to see Sana had been able to follow her order and was lying on her bed, completely naked. There was one hand on her stomach and while the other was settled behind her head. There was a pinch between her brows that suggested she was deep in thought or concentrating.

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