One Way To Save Water - Namihyun

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The Angels timed the clink of their champagne glasses with the fireworks that lit the sky above. It was the perfect way to end the day. To end another successful mission. They had been sent to an exotic country to stop a corrupt politician from rigging an upcoming election and forming alliances with other terrifying underground forces. The past work had been a lot of hard work for Dahyun, Mina and Nayeon, but now that it was all settled, they could finally have some time to themselves to rest and relax before heading back home.

They sat back on their reclines, watching the fireworks from the balcony of a five-star hotel. As Dahyun took another sip of champagne from her glass, she licked her lips, enjoying the rick taste. She then paused and turned to the others. ''We don't have to worry about the room bill, do we?''

Mina tilted her head to look at her new teammate. She pushed her sunglasses down and glared at her. ''I thought you were helping pay?''

''What?'' Dahyun gasped. She was ready to spit up her champagne if it meant saving money.

Nayeon grinned and rolled her eyes. ''Relax, Mina's playing with you.''

A wide grin grew across Mina's lips. ''You should know by now that I'm a tease.''

Releasing a sigh of relief, Dahyun relaxed back into her recliner. ''I thought I was about to have a heart attack.''

''Yeah, I've been known to do that to women,'' Mina smirked.

While Dahyun looked away to hide her flustered face, Nayeon turned to Mina and glared at her. ''Really?''

''Yeah,'' Mina sat up and took off her glasses so that she could make eye contact with Nayeon. ''Are you telling me that your heart has never skipped a beat for me?''


''Not even a little hop?''

Nayeon looked back up at the sky. ''When did Taehyung say our ride would be here?''

Setting her champagne glass aside, Dahyun got up and checked her watch. ''I think we still have two more hours.''

Mina clapped her hands together excitedly and then leaned over Nayeon. While she was doing everything she could to ignore her, Mina was having too much fun to stop now. ''That's more than enough time to win your heart.''

''The only thing you'll be winning is a restraining order. Can't you flirt with Dahyun for a change?''

Mina laughed. ''You say that like I haven't been flirting with her since the beginning.''

As she was about to head inside, Dahyun almost stumbled over her recliner. ''You have?''

Mina looked genuinely offended. ''I'm usually better than this. Maybe my gaydar is faulty?''

''Wouldn't be the only thing faulty with you,'' Nayeon mumbled. She didn't look back when Mina glared amusedly at her.

Dahyun stood by the balcony door feeling very hot and with chills running up and down her body. She'd always thought that Mina's teasing was just that. Surely the Angel wasn't actually flirting with her for real? Right? Dahyun never considered herself someone that women would openly flirt with. And to have Mina, who just radiated a tremendous amount of aura, openly admit that she's been flirting with her left Dahyun feeling numb and giddy. However, this surprising news also had another kind of effect on Dahyun. The moment she felt a jolt of excitement rush down and reach a certain spot between her legs, she rushed back inside before either Nayeon or Mina could question her.

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