Desire - Samihyun

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Dahyun knew she shouldn't have been doing this in the city hall bathroom, but she couldn't help herself. The urge was just too great.

Her pants had suddenly felt two sizes too small, and she feared that her extra appendage would rip through the fabric of her jeans. She blamed Sana and her plump, red lips; her small and lithe body; and her perfectly shaped rear and half-exposed cleavage. Dahyun thought it should be illegal for the mayor to look the way that she did and behave the way that she did; the woman just exuded sex appeal, no matter what she did. It was flowing out of her in waves and causing Dahyun's member to stir uncontrollably in her pants.

She'd been in a private meeting with the mayor when she'd felt her member harden. Sana was speaking in her husky tone of voice and questioned Dahyun's competence as the sheriff, as per usual, when it happened. Her pants were tight enough for it not to be noticeable, but contricting enough for her to feel the discomfort.

The meeting was far from over when Dahyun excused herself, and though Sana clearly disapproved of the halt in their meeting, she waved Dahyun off with a grunt of frustration.

Dahyun had quickly made her way into the public, city hall bathroom where she was seated atop a closed toilet seat, her pants pulled down to her knees, and her member whipped out through the opening of her boxers.

Her rod was hard and erect, standing to point, and held tightly in her fist.

She always hated this time of month. Instead of receiving periods like a normal woman, she welcomed a new body part; one that was very much unwelcomed and inconvenient. She'd had to learn ways to tuck her member out of sight so that the bulge didn't show through her skinnies. It was highly uncomfortable, but she learned to adjust. It was the erections that she'd never really learned to adjust to.

They often occurred at the most random, inappropriate moments, and they only seemed to happen when she was in the presence of Sana. Sometimes they occurred when she was with Mina, but Mina was the only one aware of her situation and was often the one to take of the problem for her; the awkwardness of that wore off years ago.

With Mina, she didn't have to hide it, but with Sana, she had to make excuses as to why she needed to leave immediately. The mayor wasn't one for being blown off, but Dahyun had to do it if she wanted to keep her condition a secret. As much as she fantasized about Sana taking her cock down her throat, she knew that was never going to actually happen. She's sure the brunette would run for the hills the moment she saw what Dahyun was hiding between her legs seven days out of the month.

But she supposed it didn't hurt to imagine a better outcome while she had her cock in her tight grasp. She squeezed the base of her member tightly as she imagined Sana looking at her with a pleased expression on her face. She imagined the woman getting down on her knees and taking the head into her mouth, sucking at it lightly as she moved further down and took another inch of her into her mouth. She imagined the brunette grasping the base of her dick the same she was grasping it, squeezing it tightly as she moved her fist up and down in a steady rhythm. She imagined her smoldering, dark gaze to stare up at her through half-lidded eyes, her mouth and hand still working on her member in a thorough fashion.

Dahyun bit back a groan as she thought of Sana pulling her out of her mouth, swirling her tongue around the tip of her cock as if it was a popsicle she couldn't get enough of, before diving back in and taking her back in her mouth, swallowing her down inch by inch, until she's reached the base. Dahyun shuddered pleasantly at the thought of the tip of her cock hitting the back of Sana's throat.

She could imagine the woman staring up at her cockily, a distorted smirk on her face at the action, before pulling back slightly, just to take her completely in again.

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