A Surprise For Dahyun - Saidahyo

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Dahyun came into the small apartment she shared with her fellow model, Sana, with a low groan. The photoshoot was one wrong thing after another, from some of the props going missing to the traditional yukata not fitting right and needing some quick adjustment, and the pale girl needed a quick nap. Instead of her bed being ready to flop down on, her roommate sat there with her hands on her knees and the sweetest smile on her face, a smile that was wiped away by a quick kiss.

“Hi, honey,” The japanese giggled before pulling her into another smooch, this one a bit more lingering, “How was the photoshoot?”

Dahyun's glare was really all she needed, “It didn’t go well, things were missing, my dress was too big, even the set felt fake.”

“Oh noooooo,” The older woman frowned and pulled her by the arm to fall face first into her large, soft pillows, "Why don't you take a minute to relax?"

"Thanks," The muffled reply came from the warm crevice that the nearly younger woman nuzzled her face deeper into, "I really needed this."

"I know," Her girlfriend stroked her hair with long, slow strokes, "God, I remember this one comic-con where I had fans clamoring all over me, and one even ripped my clothes. Hopefully tomorrow is more professional."

"They said it would be, but after today… Well, at least it brought us to Japan."

"Yeeeessss!" Sana's quick stomping brought an annoyed grumble from Dahyun who was starting to doze off, "There's so much to seeeeee!"

"I don't know. I'm not sure I'm in the mood for walking around town right now," The younger woman grumbled, her pouting face enough to make the older's heart skip a beat.

"I had a friend tell me about this amazing restaurant around here that doesn't need much of a walk, and the best part? They have a lot of great lean options!"

"That does sound pretty good…" Dahyun glanced out to the noon day sun and groaned, "It seems a little early to eat, unless I want my stomach to be out of whack all week.”

“You and your stomach,” The older giggled before walking her fingers down the back of that pale neck as seductively as she could, “There is one thing we can do until then.”

“Hey!” With a sudden jolt, Dahyun pulled away, but, before she could get away, Sana pulled her back so she was sitting in her cushioned lap with even softer cushions pressing against her back, “Sana! Don’t be so rough! You know how I feel about this!” Despite how squeaky her cries were, she didn’t struggle very much.

“And I’ll say it again,” A sudden peppering of light kisses on the back of the pale model’s neck made her gasp and her spine tingle, “We’ve been on so many dates, so it isn’t strange at all.”

“Y-yes it is! What would people say if—” A light bite cut her off.

“I’d lose a few subs, but I don’t need subs when I have such a beautiful,” Sana turned her face so Dahyun's light brown eyes met her brown ones, “Sexy,” A hand grabbed one of the blonde’s hand-filling breasts, turning those gasps into a strained silence, “Well endowed woman to share my day with,” The hand continued down to the growing bulge in her jeans, stroking it over the rough material.

"H-hey!" Any attempt to chastise the streamer was lost when a sudden squeeze made the pale model's voice lilt, "Listen to me!"

"Maybe if you would listen to your body," With a little giggle, Sana leaned in close enough to kiss her soft ear, "You know… just last night I saw you in the bathroom. You can't tell me you don't want it when you were moaning my name like that."

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