Whatever His Fucking Name Was - Misaidayeon

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Seulgi & Irene always did at least a decent job throwing parties. There was always alcohol, music, lights, and plenty of potential partners to choose from. Plus, they had a pool, which, according to many a movie, was a staple for a good party. So yeah, Irene & Seulgi were solid partiers, especially for Dahyun's group. Which is why the girls had found themselves once again at one such party. Most of them had come together, collectively deciding they all could use a little break from the stress of classes. Almost immediately after arriving, Jihyo, Momo and Tzuyu had made a beeline for the drinks, Jeongyeon made her way into the mass of dancing bodies, Chaeyoung & Rosè gravitated towards the snack table, where she stood mumbling to herself while eating crackers, Lisa said something about the bathroom, and Jisoo and Jennie, well, who actually knows, no one pays attention to them.

One of the summer's popular pop songs plays loudly through the various speakers around the yard. The bass pounded through the air, but Dahyun couldn't hear it. Her world had narrowed, all she could focus on being the two beautiful brunettes, one tall with legs for days while the other was also tall with bright eyes, a few yards away, and the two idiots standing just a bit too close.

With an increasingly tight grip on the red solo cup in her hand, the blonde tore her eyes away from the scene unfolding in front of her and turned to her girlfriend.

"Unnie," Dahyun said sharply, effectively gaining the girl's attention and ending her friendly conversation with a girl she recognized from one of her classes.

"What's up babe?" Nayeon asks sweetly, turning her attention to the tense blonde next to her.

"Do you know where our girlfriends are?" Dahyun's tone suggested that she knew exactly where the two girls in question are.

"Hmm," Nayeon hummed, looking around, "Well, you just gotta find one, and you'll find the other, right? Those two are never apart," she said with a small laugh. She finally spotted them and nodded once, "See, there they are..." Nayeon's voice trailed off, anger suddenly filling every part of her body.

"Exactly," Dahyun said as she turned to look at Sana and Mina across the yard once more, her frown deepening as she sees the two guys haven't left yet.

"Like to do something about that with me?" Nayeon asks, her glare never leaving the side of the boy's head.

"Fuck yeah I would," Dahyun growled, draining her cup in one go before throwing it harshly off to her side and grabbing Nayeon's offered hand.


Mina was trying really hard to not roll her eyes. These idiots just weren't getting it. She could tell that even her ever-sunny girlfriend was getting annoyed with the persistent (and terrible) flirting.

"So Mina, we should go out sometime, maybe to dinner?" One of the guys asked her. She thinks his name is Bambi, maybe Bambam, she can't really remember.

Mina hears a small snort come from her right, and she looks down at Sana with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah, I was just about to ask you the same thing Sana. We could catch a movie?" The other boy, Mark, asks her, hope in his voice.

Mina lets out a single laugh as Sana scowls at her.

"That's very nice of you guys, but-" Mina's answer is cut off by another voice.

"But they're both taken, so sorry. Plus, Sana doesn't like movies so..." Nayeon says as her and Dahyun walk up, no trace of actual apology in her voice.

The older drops Dahyun's hand and moves to wrap her arm around Mina's waist, pushing into her side. The girl drops a kiss on Nayeon's forehead. For her part, Dahyun steps over to Sana and puts a possessive arm around her shoulder.

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