Mess In The Station - Dayeon

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Standing alone in the kitchen of the homestead. Nayeon had a lot on her mind as she sat alone. She had just gotten back from the office and spending the evening with Dahyun who was on her way around. Sana was bubbling with excitement as she made her way into the kitchen. Passing Nayeon as she smiles, grabbing a bottle of water from the fridge as she turned to Nayeon.

Nayeon couldn’t find it in herself to look at her sister. Sana and Dahyun had been dating for a while. Nayeon still felt bad about what had happened earlier between her and Dahyun. Thankfully Sana was none the wiser but the guilt still weighed heavily on Nayeon. She did her best to cover the bite marks on her neck that the younger gave her. Sana took a sip from her bottled water before looking at her sister with a curious expression.

“By the way, where were you earlier?” Sana asked as she returned the cap to the bottle. Tightening it as she leaned against the kitchen counter “I did come in to try and find you, I saw your jacket but no sign of you” Sana stated as she jumped up onto the counter and sat there. Nayeon's cheeks went bright red as she looked at her sister. The guilt she felt tied her stomach into knots and found it hard to breath.

Nayeon knew she had to lie, the last thing she ever wanted to do was hurt her precious baby girl. If Sana had found out about what had happened between her and Dahyun. She would never ever forgive Nayeon or Dahyun and Nayeon couldn’t bare that thought. Swallowing the lump in her throat, Nayeon smiled as she looked into her sister’s eyes “Oh, I went out for a walk” she lied as she took a sip from her drink.

“Okay, well just as long as your okay” Sana answered as she leaned in and pressed a chaste kiss to her sister’s cheek. Nayeon leaning in as she closed her eyes, Sana pulled back as she smiled before she turned and walked away. Nayeon watched as Sana headed towards the stairs and slowly left her sight. Her baby sister walking up the stairs and leaving her alone in the kitchen to think.

Taking a sip of her water before returning tightening the bottle cap. Nayeon felt awful for lying, there was a familiar aching sensation between her legs as she thought about Dahyun. The memory of what had transpired in the office was still seared into her mind and there was no getting rid of it. Downing a gulp of her water, Nayeon's gaze moved to the kitchen window and she looked out on the fields as she closed her eyes.

Her memory going back to what had happened earlier.


Nayeon and Dahyun were sitting alone together in the office. Sana was out with Momo and Jeongyeon doing some sleuthing leaving the pair alone together. Nayeon had decided to have a drink with Dahyun as they waited for the 3 to return. It was supposed to be a friendly drink but it was getting more and more friendly by the 2nd. Nayeon took a gulp of her whiskey as she looked around the office before turning to Dahyun.

“You know, the walls in the homestead are really thin” Nayeon stated as she looked over the younger “I have to admit, I am envious of Sana; Deputy Hard-On” she joked as she playfully nudged the younger.

Dahyun blushed as she looked away, avoiding eye contact as she drew her lower lip between her teeth. Looking around the office as she grabbed the bottle and took a gulp from it. Trying to ignore the familiar stirring of her cock as Nayeon's proximity and husky voice started to affect her “Well, if I wasn’t with Sana” Dahyun started “I would definitely be ‘on’ you” she admitted.

Nayeon licked her lips before shaking her head “No you wouldn’t” she replied with a pout.

“Yes, I would” Dahyun playfully nudged her best friend. Her cock continuing to stir as she shifted closer to her friend “You are hot, and your ass is Top shelf” she said before she leaned in and pressed a kiss to her best friend’s cheek.

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