A Really Big Surprise - Dubchaeng

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Rousing from her slumber Chaeyoung let out a content sigh. That was probably the best sleep she's had in a long time, and now all she wanted to do was start her morning off right with her elliptical. First she needed to take a trip to the little ladies room, then she'll be ready.

Pulling the covers from her body Chaeyoung slides out of bed. Her panties were a little tight, but she attributes that to the wedgie she has. Perhaps she was moving a lot in her sleep. Whatever she thought was the cause didn't matter because as soon as she sat down on her toilet in her ensuite bathroom, she found out the exact reason for her tight panties.


Looking down Chaeyoung discovered the biggest dick she's ever seen. Which also happens to be the only dick she's ever seen, attached to her and spraying pee all over her walls.

"Fuck!" she yelled. Forgiving herself for such vulgar language. When one finds herself with a dick that should not be there who knows what words will leave their mouth. Quickly standing up Chaeyoung turned and tried to aim for the toilet. She now understood why guys had so much trouble. Finally done relieving herself; there was pee everywhere. Tucking herself back into her too small panties, Chaeyoung was going to miss her scheduled window with her beloved elliptical, but she had to clean up the mess that was her bathroom. Then she'd worry about the thing she had to stuff back into her panties. God, how big was she anyway—another thing to worry about later.


Chaeyoung was late. Cleaning her bathroom as extensively as she felt was needed made her late. Can you blame her? Urine was everywhere and everything needed a proper bleaching. By the time she was finished both her parents had left for the day and she had 15 minutes to shower and get to school. She didn't even have time to fully inspect herself in the shower. What if there were balls that came with this dick? The quick wipe she did in the shower wasn't enough to leave her sure. She thought she felt something, but she couldn't tell. She'll thoroughly check when she gets home.

Chaeyoung thought about staying home and breaking her perfect attendance record, but she could do this. She could go to school, pretend like she didn't wake up with a dick, and come back home. No biggie. Right? She could check if the ball thing was real or not, she could measure the dick, and research where the hell it came from cause girls didn't just grow dicks.

At school everything was going perfectly fine; at first. Sure she felt weird wearing the jogging pants she used to workout in, but they left enough room in her crotch area for the dick to breath. She tried on a pair of her jeans at first, but the constant pressure on the dick was too much. Not to mention the clear bulge in the front. Chaeyoung thought about wearing one of her skirts, but she was too paranoid. What if the dick slipped out of the panties? What if they didn't slip, but were too heavy and caused everything to sag pass the hem of her skirt? They weren't that long, you know. That was totally a possibility.

Yes, she was paranoid, but it didn't matter, she was going to make it through the day. Until Kim Dahyun dropped her damned pencil. It wasn't just the pencil dropping that sent everything to hell, it was the fact that she bent over to pick it up. It was like Dahyun was presenting her round succulent ass to Chaeyoung on her purpose. She was bending at the waist, and Chaeyoung could almost see under her cheerio skirt. As a cheerio Dahyun should know better. Bend at the knees to not risk back problems. Why would she bend at the waist? Was she trying to tempt her? Did Dahyun know about the dick?

So many questions and not enough answers. All she knew was that her new dick was standing at attention for Dahyun's ass.

Chaeyoung tried thinking of the most unattractive thing she could think of; the process animals go through to become food for those carnivorous people. It was working. The dick was being tamed! That is until she looked up. Dahyun was ever so seductively sucking on a lollipop. Okay, so maybe not seductively, but it sure felt that way to Chaeyoung. The way her tongue would sneak out of her mouth to lick the top of the lollipop. Her tongue was twirl around the sides before she sucked the entire thing into her mouth. Chaeyoung watched as Dahyun's  throat swallowed what she assumed was lollipop flavored spit. She could only imagine the dick in her pants taking the place of that lollipop—No. She would not succumb to such thoughts.

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