After Practice - Dahmo

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“Come on ladies, move it move it. Sectionals isn’t gonna be handed out to you, you need to put some work into it!” Dahyun yells through the bullhorn megaphone to her fellow cheerleaders running on the field.

“Hey Tofu!” A brunette suddenly came to a halt in front of the blonde out of breath. “who died and made you boss!” She says a sneer plastered on her beautiful features.

The tofu sighs bringing down the megaphone “Momo as we all know coach Park is away therefore as the captain I need to step in.”

“No, you simply take joy in ordering us around while your fat ass does nothing. We don’t need to listen to you.” At this point the rest of the girls had stopped jogging and joined the two. Turning to them Momo spoke, “As co-captain I say we don’t have to listen to Dahyun”.

“Momo is right, I mean technically you both have the same powers!” Says a short red haired cheerleader and a chorus of ‘YEAH!’ broke out.

Momo turns back to face Dahyun with a smirk on her face.

“Ladies, I think we should all hit the showers and go home to enjoy our Friday evening.” Momo says her gaze unmoving from an annoyed tofu.


“No, we can not! Sectional is around the corner and coach-“ Dahyun starts only to get cut off by Momo.

“Sectional is not until a month away! And if you like to be prepared so much why don’t you stay and practice.” with that said the brunette walked away with the rest of the girls following behind her, completely ignoring Dahyun's calls.

“Have fun tofu!” Momo calls over her shoulders before they disappeared back inside the school building leaving Dahyun behind seething.


Dahyun walked in the locker room moments later after making sure everything was locked away inside the coach’s office, the tofu was still pissed off at the older girl for the shit she pulled but Dahyun was not one to snitch and plus the coach’s punishments were brutal as much as she would love for Momo to taste that medicine she wasn’t that cruel so she’ll settle in getting her own back another time and way.

“Come on Dahyun, wipe that frown away. You’ll get early wrinkles.” Momo teases shutting her locker. The brunette was now changed back into her normal clothes of mini skirt, a long sleeve blouse and high knee boots.

Coming out of her thoughts Dahyun glares at the older girl “Do you have any idea how mad coach is going to be no thanks to you!” Dahyun seethe pointing a finger at Momo who simply laughed.

“Calm your ass tofu, take this time to finally go out and get laid. God knows you need it.” She shrugs as she brushes past Dahyun, she was the only one left well and Dahyun.

The younger's anger flares at not being taken serious and before Momo knows it she was being grabbed by the elbow and shoved against the closed lockers.

“What the fuck-“ and then Dahyun's lips claimed hers in a bruising kiss silencing her instantly.

The younger captain shoved her tongue down making the brunette whimpers before biting hard on her bottom lip drawing blood.

“Fuck!” Momo hiss shoving Dahyun away from her. “What’s wrong with you!” She touches her bruised lips.

Dahyun simply growls before claiming full lips between her teeth once more and this time making sure she had Momo trapped so she couldn’t move as her palm strokes the older's blouse covered breast drawing a moan from the girl.

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