Stripper - Dayeon

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Nayeon finished her stage dance. She was naked save for her red g-string. Her pale body was glistening in sweat. Her bare busty tits swayed from exhaustion drawing everyone's attention. Oh! How much Nayeon hated displaying her body for money.

A few customers winked and leered as Nayeon proceeded to walk, circuiting the stage to collect her tips and discarded clothing. Clutching the discarded clothes to her naked tits for some modesty Nayeon moped through the hall to the dressing room. Nayeon opened the dressing room and tossed her wadded up costume in her locker and began to count her tips. She turned to see Sowon, another blonde dancer of about 19. Sowon was competitive and petty, always trying to stir trouble. Nayeon cringed inwardly.

Sowon stomped across the room, her platform heels cracking obtrusively against the concrete floor. She plopped down on the wooden bench in the center of the room. "It's so fucking slow tonight!" She whined as usual.

"Yep," Nayeon replied coolly as she began rummaging through her locker for another costume. She decided on a sheer pastel pink baby doll over a matching thong. Nayeon was attempting to discourage further conversation but Sowon either didn't notice or care. Sowon continued her drunken rant, gossiping about everyone in the club, trying to stir Nayeon into reacting. Nayeon nodded noncommittally at Sowon as she donned her lingerie. She completed the ensemble with a white satin garter, slipping it over her stiletto heel and relishing the sensation of the fabric as it slid smoothly over her thigh. Sowon's speech was becoming increasingly incoherent. Nayeon focused on pushing her voice into the background as she fetched a cosmetic case from inside her cluttered locker. She carried the case toward the long mirror, setting it down on the graffiti covered counter. She looked at her reflection.

Nayeon sighed heavily and began to powder her face and reapply her lipstick. She sprayed herself with her favourite scent and gazed upon herself in the mirror. She knew she was the most attractive girl in the club and most of the customer wanted her attention. But she worked hard to develop talent and class because she knew that eventually beauty fades but she would retain her poise forever. She gave herself a flirtatious smile and wink, a habit she'd come to rely on like a talisman before securing her belongings in her locker.

Nayeon left Sowon in the dressing room with only a wave and made her way back into the club. She could see that it hadn't picked up any. In fact, it seemed as if several customers had left. She resigned herself to breaking even.

She passed a large group of college age boys gathered around two tables. They were laughing boisterously. As she strolled by, they hooted and hollered at her, throwing in a few obscenities for good measure. "Nice tits" one said. "I would love to fuck that bitch's mouth" another said. "Look at her round ass. I would love to tap that."

Nayeon stopped and gave them a fake flirty smile but continued. Experience had taught her that the youngest customers were the least profitable and the most unruly. She wanted to explore other options.

She snaked her way through the small crowd. Most of the customers were already being hustled by another dancer. She was about to make her way back to the college crowd when she noticed a familiar customer sitting alone at a table near the back of the club. Nayeon immediately recognized who it is, Kim Dahyun. She is a regular here.

Dahyun is everything a woman could conjure up in a wet dream. Dahyun is strong and athletic, with high cheeks bones, a sexy eye smile, piercing chocolate eyes and perfect blonde curls. Every stripper talks about Dahyun, her big beautiful cock, about how much they craved her attention and about how much they want to ride her dick to oblivion. Of course no one has seen Dahyun's cock since Strippers are not allowed to sleep with customers but they felt it while giving her a lap dance.

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