Late Sisterly Fun - Saida

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"Sana?" Dahyun mumbled as she felt someone dropping on top of her bed and her, the weight making her bounce a bit against the mattress. "Is that you?"

Dahyun got her answer an instant later as a pair of strong arms wrapped around her shoulders and a face was pressed up against her neck. Even without her powers, she would have recognized this as being her step sister. Dahyun twisted around and did her best to pat Sana on the back, blinking as she adjusted to the very dim light that came in through her bedroom window.

"We're through," Sana said, her body shaking and twitching. "I'm never going to see him again!"

"Who, Suho?" Dahyun asked, still feeling way too tired to feel the proper amount of happiness that she should be at that. "What happened?"

"I don't want to talk about it," Sana muttered, squeezing down tightly on Dahyun and shifting around on top of the sheets. "I don't need him!"

"You never did," Dahyun said softly, patting her sister's back as she tried to get her brain up to speed. "Ugh."

"Yeah, sorry," Sana said, adjusting her position and removing her elbow from Dahyun's gut. "I'm sorry."

"It's okay," Dahyun said, finally waking up a bit more and realizing that her sister was in bed with her. Man, how many times had she thought of that exact situation happening?

Blushing pretty hard as she considered everything that this might mean, Dahyun lifted her arms up and returned the hug, feeling her sister shifting around on top of her. She patted Sana's back, right between the shoulder blades, listening to her sister's breathing.

"Can I spend the night here?" Sana asked. "I just don't want to be alone right now."

"Sure thing," Dahyun said, sleep increasingly banished from her as she started to realize the situation she was in. "Want underneath the covers?"

Sana acted on that instantly, ending up pressed up against Dahyun. Dahyun smiled and gave her sister the best hug that she could manage. As her fingers brushed against bare skin, Dahyun realized that whatever the fight with Suho had been about, it had been after her sister had gotten worked up. Sana was awfully horny right now, though she was hiding it very well.

Blinking in surprise, Dahyun mentally shrugged and held her sister closer. She was sure that she would get the full details later on, once Sana was ready to talk about it all. And Sana most certainly would be willing to share a lot of information, regardless of just how eager Dahyun was to hear the blow by blow of what she and Suho did before Sana had come home.

"You're the best, Hyunie," Sana said, speaking directly into Dahyun's ear. "Thank you."

"No problem," Dahyun said softly, nodding as she stroked her sister's skin and hair, feeling conflicting waves of tiredness and arousal pulsing inside of her. How was she going to resolve this situation, huh? What was the right answer to everything that she was feeling? "I'm here for you."

Sana didn't say anything to that, but her one-armed hug around Dahyun did tighten for a moment. And that was answer enough, really. Dahyun smiled and returned the hug as best as she could. Then she closed her eyes and tried to get her brain to stop racing and to calm down for a bit. There was a whole lot going on here and she could make more sense of it all when she didn't have an increasingly hard erection to deal with. Hopefully Sana wouldn't notice that.

Sana was obviously getting sleepy and Dahyun already was sleepy. So it made perfect sense to just keep on holding onto her sister and drifting off. Dahyun smiled slightly and tightened her grip on her sister. This wasn't exactly how she had ever expected things to go with her sister, but, well, she certainly wasn't going to complain about it.

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