Roommates - Mihyun

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Mina's POV:

I’m drooling. I know I am but I can’t help it.

I want her-no I need her on every inch of my body. If anyone knew the terrible terrible things I’d do for this girl, to this girl , especially in her current state they’d laugh at me for eternity.

Dahyun is leaning against the counter slurping the last of the milk out of her empty cereal bowl while reading something on her phone. Her hair is a disaster. Her shirt is wrinkled from top to bottom and one of the legs of her boxer shorts is hiked up her thigh. To be fair she just rolled out of bed but good god is she sexy. It doesn’t help that my eyes can’t stop skirting down to the soft curve of her crotch.

We moved in together a few months ago. Met just a month or two before that, friend of a friend. She needed a place to live, I needed a roommate. We hit it off fine but she doesn’t talk much and I don’t push. To be honest we only see each other really in the mornings and evenings, going to and from work.

When her friends are around though she’s a ball of light. Shinning and shimmering, bringing smiles to others faces. I don’t think she dislikes me but she doesn’t make much of an effort to interact with me.

Of course I thought she was cute the moment I laid eyes on her but I only started to be drawn to her a few weeks after she moved in. I don’t know what it is about her. Her charming smile, her lack of giving a fuck about what other people think, a contrast to my giving all the fucks. The fact that she’s an amazing painter. She’s cleanly which I love. Organized. But every once in awhile when we do interact she makes me laugh, whether intentional or not. She’s funny.

She’s bold as well though. Which I find intimidating of course. I’ve on more than one occasion caught her wrapped in only half a towel. I’ve only seen her naked back as she was headed for her room but who does that? Who walks around half naked in front of a new roommate? One morning when I was in a hurry to get to work I came into the kitchen to get out the lunch I made the night before and there she was, leaning against the counter eating her cereal, as she often does, and you can’t blame me for looking as it was super hard to miss but to say she was hard was an understatement. Full on display, morning wood. She was clothed of course but she didn’t even turn to face the counter to hide it, she just didn’t care. I was late for work, having a full on holy shit moment once I got to my car. The girl is hung.

The walls are thin in our apartment. Our rooms are side by side. The sound of porn is heard through the wall from time to time. I would be guilty if I said I didn’t find myself trying to listen, trying to hear her little gasps or moans and get myself off.

She doesn’t bring over hook ups though. Which is nice. I’d probably feel pretty shitty if she did, even though she doesn’t know how much I want to jump her. I’m hopeless.


It’s been a long day. I swing through the main entrance of the apartment complex and grab the mail before heading up. I flip through the mail once I get inside, idly walking forward into the apartment. Bill, bill, junk, late statement. Late statement?

I open the envelope and find that our electric bill is late. We split paying the bills individually, giving each other money for the other half of the bill before it’s due. I glance at the counter and see her keys next to her wallet, she’s in.

I walk down the hall towards our rooms and her door is slightly ajar. I scan the late statement as I push open the door.

“Hey Dahyun, we’re late on the electric did you not pay-“ my left hand is on the door and I look up from the page and see her. I freeze.

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