Greatest Test - Mihyun

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From the moment she had seen the two interacting with one another. Dahyun knew instantly that Mina and her sister Nayeon were meant for one another.

It was obvious from the way the two acted, that they clearly liked each other. More than the other was willing to admit at first. While in Nayeon's case, many just thought that Mina was going to be another hook-up for the blonde, Dahyun didn’t agree with them. Having grown up with Nayeon all her life, she knew when her sister was being a flirtatious minx and when she was showing complete and total infatuation with someone. And when it came to Mina, she could see that her sister had it bad for her, REALLY bad. And Mina, even though she was a bit hard to read at times, Dahyun could tell that she wanted something more with her sister as well.

So when Nayeon finally bit the bullet and asked out Mina on a chance date. The older had been overjoyed to hear that Mina had said yes. Happy that she finally admitted to and reciprocated her feelings towards her sister. The two managed to hit it off really well, and overall, Dahyun was happy to see that the two of them had a pretty bright future ahead of them.

With that being said, there shouldn’t have been a problem in terms of their relationship, right?

Well… Dahyun did have ONE concern regarding Mina.

For as much as she could see how Mina truly loved her sister. The younger was worried about how that would inevitably translate to when they would have their fun in the bedroom. Much like herself, Nayeon was -to put it real bluntly- a sexual monster. One that had gained them both a famous and infamous reputation dating as far back as their days within JYP Academy. Dahyun had lost count of the number of girls she and Nayeon not only fucked and broke senseless, but ruined them to the point that no other guy, or girl could ever hope to satisfy them. While she did come to feel about doing so to them, it wasn’t her or her sister’s fault that they had such unnaturally high libidos. Nayeon more so than her, as she knew how much her sister loved to go out partying and have many-a hookups over the years prior to coming to Teudongie Academy.

Regardless, even though Nayeon quit cold turkey in terms of sleeping around, wanting to only be with Mina. Dahyun wasn’t sure if Mina had what it took to sexually tame the dragon that was housed in between Nayeon's legs. Worst case scenario, Nayeon would either end up breaking her, or Mina would just be unable to handle her girth overall. Leaving Nayeon to inevitably find pleasure elsewhere. Dahyun didn’t want that, especially when the two were completely devoted to one another. So she needed to come up with a plan and have some reassurance that her future sister-in-law had what it takes to handle the blonde older.

“Which is why Mina, in order to make sure that you can handle my sister. I’m gonna fuck you here and now with everything I’ve got,” Dahyun declared with a smile on her face.

Late at night, in a secluded area of the Teudongie Library. Dahyun and Mina could be seen by themselves, with the former eagerly groping at the latter’s fairly sizable chest. While she rubbed and ground her throbbing cock in between Mina's thighs. The older was left overall shocked at the bold and brash action, but couldn’t bring it in herself to resist the younger's sudden advances.

Dahyun's actions had practically came out of nowhere as well. When Mina had arrived at the library earlier. She simply came here with the intention of doing some private reason and looking to have a bit of risky… ‘fun’ to help take the stress off that had been building up within her over the past few days. She hadn’t expected to have Dahyun find her all of a sudden, especially in the middle of the act. But instead of the flustered red-faced teen, she had come to know over the course of Teudongie. In front of her was a lustful teen eyeing her body with a predatory look that she had not seen in a long time. A gaze that caused her heart to jump and skip a beat and her pussy to quiver uncontrollably with excitement and arousal.

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