Surprise Birthday Party - Mihyun

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“I’m sorry to bother you with something so trivial, Mina, but could you please keep an eye on Dahyun for a few hours while we prepare something for her birthday?” Tzuyu pleaded as she bowed her head to her senior, trying to hide both the concern and guilt that was written in bold across her face. The brunette didn’t want to intrude on Mina's life, but she had run out of people she could rely on to help look after the mischievous blue haired girl.

Mina was surprised by the begging girl before her, sitting upright in her chair as she did a double-take on the words that had left Tzuyu's mouth. “We?” The older asked as she tilted her head to the side and raised one of her brows, confused as it was only her and Tzuyu in the clubroom. Mina was trying to garner a full understanding of the situation before she would even begin to consider her junior’s offer.

The brunette rose her head quickly, the look of realisation on her face made it all the more apparent that she had failed to disclose the entire situation to Mina. Embarrassed and turning red, Tzuyu grabbed the hem of her skirt as she took a deep breath to calm her nerves before explaining herself, “W-Well, Chaeyoung and I were planning to throw a small party just between ourselves to celebrate Dahyun's birthday, and we tried asking Jihyo, Nayeon and Sana, but they were all busy. So I thought I’d ask you since you and Dahyun both get along, even if it is under such short notice on a Saturday afternoon.”

Mina nodded her head as the full picture had now formed in her mind, somewhat annoyed that this favour was being asked so late into the day, even if it was only a half-day for classes. A lightbulb lit up in the older girl’s head as she tried her best to hide a scheming grin from sprouting on her face, the idea of having both Tzuyu and Chaeyoung in her debt was too good to pass up. Clapping her hands as if to signal that she had made her decision, Mina puffed out her chest and smugly spoke, “There’s no other option then. The number one idol in the universe will lend a helping hand to her adorable underclassmen.”

Tzuyu's face lit up as she leaped forward and embraced the short girl in a hug, Mina's face being buried in the brunette’s chest as her body went stiff before trying to pry herself away from the cheerful junior. “Thank you so much, Mina,” the joyous Tzuyu spoke as she took a step back before turning her head towards the clubroom door, as if she was awaiting someone to arrive. “Chaeyoung should be coming by with Dahyun any moment now.”

As the words finished leaving Tzuyu's mouth, the door swung open as a jolly, blue-haired girl entered the room with a spring in her step before turning to close the door leaving the pair of Tzuyu and Mina speechless by her impeccable timing. With a cat-like grin on her face, the short girl jumped forward and wrapped both of her arms around the brunette’s waist, embracing the girl as she cheerfully called out, “Tzuyu, there you are! No fair, leaving me all alone to play with Chaeyoung.” Dahyun puffed out her cheeks, playfully peeved that her girlfriend had ditched her on such an important day.

Sighing before rubbing the older girl’s head, Tzuyu was happy to hear that her girlfriend wanted to spend her birthday with her as she looked back at the door. Expecting the cub to walk in any second, the brunette decided to just ask Dahyun upfront, “Hey Dahyun, where’s Chaeyoung? I left her with you, didn’t I?” Tzuyu had a hunch that her lover had gotten up to mischief, and her intuition when it came to Dahyun was almost always correct. Pulling herself away from the brunette, Dahyun turned her back to both Tzuyu and Mina as she took a deep breath.

Spinning around on the spot, Dahyun gleefully explained, “Well since you left us alone, I decided to play with Chaeyoung to pass the time.” Triumphantly puffing out her chest, clearly proud of herself for winning against the cub who was tasked with looking after her, Dahyun continued, “She didn’t put up much of a challenge this time though, probably because I destroyed her just yesterday.” Silence filled the room as Mina sat there confused as to what the accomplished girl meant and what game she had played with Chaeyoung, while Tzuyu felt ashamed of both herself and Dahyun as she understood exactly what her girlfriend meant.

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