Diversions And Distractions - Dahmo

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It was a Sunday afternoon. Momo and Dahyun were enjoying one of Dahyun's rare days off to have some fun. They made a date of it and visited the sites around. Specifically, the ones that didn’t have to do with demon infestation.

First was a local café for brunch, then an art gallery, then a park. Lastly, they planned an evening at the kind of restaurant you can’t find in Purgatory. Namely, the sort that offered more than beer, wings, and girls.

The first three parts of the plan had gone excellently, leaving them in high spirits by the time they reached dinner.

And that was when things started to go downhill.

Oh, the restaurant was great. It offered good food, good atmosphere, and great service. In fact, the service was a little too great.

Their waitress had been shamelessly flirting with Dahyun since the moment they had been seated. She made a show of pulling out Dahyun's chair to seat her, leaving her hand lingering against her back a little too long for comfort. She spent an eternity helping Dahyun choose from the menu, laughing and joking with her for so long Momo had no clue how she didn’t get called back by management. And then she completely ignored Momo. Then, she acted like she had every reason to believe Dahyun would order for the both of them. Momo nearly snapped and shouted that they weren’t some damn hetero couple from the 1960s and she could order her own food. But, she held in that urge so as not to ruin the date.

The worst part wasn’t the flirting though, oh no, it was that Dahyun was doing absolutely nothing to stop it. She was actually laughing at her jokes! She was letting her “help navigate the menu!” She wasn’t even swatting away her wandering hands (okay, fine: they may not have wandered too far, really. But she could still cut the contact).

Momo was seething throughout the dinner. Just because Dahyun was a nice person didn’t mean she had to let that happen in front of her girlfriend. She couldn’t have been happier when the waitress finally stopped dropping double entendres about the food once they had finished and brought the check.

“Please do come back.” The waitress spoke to Dahyun (of course). “We mostly get old couples and rich business suits. It’s not often I get to meet cute, interesting people like you.” Her fingers slid over the back of Dahyun's hand as she gave her the check (of course).

“I’m sure we’d love to, but me and Momo don’t get a lot of free time to come out this far.” Dahyun just kept smiling. “It was a miracle we could reserve a table just this one weekend we have.”

“Thank heavens!” Momo thought to herself.

“Oh don’t worry about reservations!” The waitress plucked their copy of the receipt out of Dahyun's hand and scrawled something on the back of it. “That’s my number, if you want to come by just call me. I’m sure I can find a hole in our schedule that you can fill.”

She made sure to put an obvious saunter in her step as she moved away to the next customer.

“Alright, let’s go.” Momo blurted out, probably too quickly.

Dahyun looked at her slightly confused.


They returned to Dahyun's car and headed back towards Purgatory. Momo took no time in voicing her displeasure.

“I can’t believe that!” She huffed. “And you could have said something you know!”

“What?” Dahyun looked confused. “I thought something was bothering you. What was it?”

“What?!” Momo just barely held herself back from screaming. “That waitress was practically inviting you to do it under the table right then and there. I don’t think she could have been less subtle if she were grinding on you, which she practically was. And you let her! You didn’t even try to stop her!”

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