A Dream Becomes Reality Pt.1 (Petra x Aiden)

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(Aiden's POV)
I sighed as I looked at the chalk scratched wall next to me. I knew my days here were numbered, but not in a bad way. I had my plan to escape and get my revenge on Jesse. My plan was that I would try to go after Petra, since she's so close to Jesse.

Well, that part is kind of a lie. The real reason was that I had started to grow a sexual attraction towards her. My attraction towards her started a couple days after I was put into prison. I started having some very vivid dreams of having my way with Petra. I could still hear her moaning and screaming in my head. I envisioned her stripping down in front of me as I pounced on top of her.

As I thought of that, I started to feel my manhood react and harden up. I looked down at my manhood and smirked. I promised myself once I get out of here, that's the first thing I'd do. I didn't realize how long I had been fantasizing for because the day had slipped into night. I looked around for a while to make sure that all the other prisoners were asleep.

Once I knew they were, I slowly took my manhood out of my jeans. I gently stroked up and down my shaft, causing waves of pleasure to run up into my core. I groaned huskily as I thought about Petra's amazing figure. Her breasts and thighs were so big, yet she had the daintiest little waist. I imagined myself grabbing at her waist, bucking my hips to mimik thrusting into her.

"Just you wait Petra! When I find you, I will fuck the shit out of you~! Just you wait~" I groaned to myself.

It was around midnight, and I still had a lot in me. As I was pleasuring myself, I heard some people talking outside my window. I decided to ignore it until I heard a certain someone being mentioned. At the mention of her name, my heart began to race. I never thought the day would come.

"Petra! We're so glad to see you!" one of the citizens shouted.

Petra chuckled, "Hey guys, it's good to see you too!"

"Oh my Notch! Thank you for having us!" a citizen said.

The other screeched, "You're our savior!"

I immediately stopped jacking off and started to fix myself up. I heard one of the guards walking down the hallway, causing me to panic slightly. I quickly jumped into bed and pretended that I was asleep. I placed the covers over my head just as the guard walked by. Once I knew he was gone, I quickly got out of bed and stuffed some pillows under the covers. As soon as I got out, a missing notice was sent out, and I knew I needed to find Petra as quickly as possible. Though, I had my doubts because she may or may not have been with Jesse.

While walking around, I spotted Petra in the distance. There was no one around her, so I saw my opportunity to strike. I quickly started to make my way towards her, being careful to not make any noise.

(Petra's POV)
As I walked around Sky City, I couldn't help but overhear that Aiden had escaped. If I am being honest though, I wouldn't mind bumping into him. I have slept with many men during my trades, but Aiden was different. I felt shivers running down my spine as I thought of what he would do to me...

Suddenly, I felt someone slammed me against a wall, harshly pinning my hands to my sides.

"Wha—" I started as I looked behind me.

My eyes widened when I saw Aiden. He had a wide smirk on his face as he took his hands away from mine. Aiden leaned in close to me, causing my heart to start racing.

"Aiden— Mmph!" I tried to say but was interrupted.

Aiden had leaned and kissed me on the lips. While he kissed me, I I felt him trail one of his hands up my torso. I felt something poking my thighs as I moaned in the kiss. I quickly melted into the kiss, instinctively taking one of my hands to the bulge in his jeans. I wrapped my other arm around his neck, deepening the kiss. He pulled away from the kiss and chuckled,

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