Query Interest (Mevia x F. Reader)

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(Mevia's POV)
The Games this week have been pretty boring. The usual Spleef, Lava Race, and the Walls just didn't seem so fun. But everytime Otto and I suggest something new, Hadrian says there's no point in trying because, "It will get boring eventually." So, we never really have any new games to spectate. The only thing that caught my interest was a competitor named (Y/N).

When (Y/N) first arrived, I noticed that she wasn't like the rest of our competitors. She always had her hopes high. And no matter how many times she's been eliminated and sent to the mines, she always kept a smile on her face. I had no idea why, but I always felt a little strange around (Y/N). It almost felt the same as when me and Hadrian used to date. But if I'm straight, how could I be falling for this young lady?

While a game of the Walls was going on, I noticed that (Y/N) was playing with a cast on her left arm. I did remember her getting hurt the other day during, but me and Otto told her she couldn't play. So, why was she in today's match?

My train of thought came to a halt when I heard a cry coming from the arena. I looked over and saw (Y/N) being hit by a sword. She was helpless and unable to defend herself. I quickly shot up from my seat before rushing to the edge of the stands.

"Mevia, what do you think you're doing?" Hadrian asked.

I looked back over at him, "I'm getting (Y/N) out of there! She shouldn't even be in today's match!"

"So what? She's doing fine," Hadrian said, rolling his eyes.

I scowled at him before jumping off the edge of the stands. I landed on my feet, shocking Hadrian and Otto a bit. Once I regained my balance, I rushed into the arena and grabbed (Y/N). I quickly got her out of there, the poor girl sobbing in my arms. She tugged at the sides of my dress as she got down and sat on her knees. I did the same, hugging the terrified competitor close.

After a while, I heard Hadrian yelling "Stop the match!" All the competitors and gladiators left the arena as Hadrian and Otto made their way down to me and (Y/N).

"Mevia, what the hell was that about?!" Hadrian scowled.

I glared at him, "You know better than to let an injured competitor compete! (Y/N) here could have been seriously hurt this time!"

"Would both of you calm down? You're both scaring her," Otto said, motioning to (Y/N).

I looked down at (Y/N). She was shaking violently, a small whimpering noise coming from her. Otto walked over and got down next to her, giving her a small pat on the back.

"I-I'm sorry! P-please don't send me t-to the m-m-mines!" she said nervously.

I sighed, "That's not going to happen. We'll make sure of it."

"Mevia, cut the act! You're acting as if you're her girlfriend or some shit!" Hadrian shouted at me.

I rolled my eyes as I helped (Y/N) stand up on her feet again. I sighed as I led (Y/N) out of the arena. I could still hear Hadrian cursing and shouting at me as Otto desperately tried to get him to stop. Poor (Y/N) started to shake more from Hadrian's shouting and cursing.

After a while of walking, I had taken (Y/N) back to the palace with me. (Y/N) looked up at me with a confused look on her face.

"What are we doing here? Won't Hadrian be mad?" (Y/N) asked.

I shook my head, "He won't be able to do anything. Besides, I need to talk to you."

(Y/N) sighed as she followed me into my room. I told her to sit on the bed as I locked the door behind us. I joined her on the bed, my face starting to heat up a bit. (Y/N) giggled when she saw the blush on my face.

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