Her Bestie (F. Jesse x Petra)

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(Jesse's POV)
I sighed as I walked through the long hallways of Diamond Public Highschool. I dreaded going to school today. Everyday, this punk, who calls himself a thug, will approach me with his little buddies and start harassing me. His name is Aiden, and I'm honestly sick of him.

His harassment started at the beginning of my freshman year. Aiden had decided to ask me out on a date after flirting with me the entire day. When I had rejected him, he became furious and sent his gang to beat me. Afterwards, my body hurt like crazy, and sadly it hasn't stopped since.

Today was no different. I was just getting my chemistry notes out of my locker as I usually would. Yes, it was lunch period, but I always take my chemistry supplies with me. This way I can go straight to class after lunch. Everything was peaceful, until Aiden took his hand to the small of my back. He shoved me against the lockers as his gang started to laugh from behind him.

"How's it going, slut?~" Aiden whispered huskily in my ear.

I scowled, "Aiden, leave me alone!"

"Why should I, huh? I'm having too much fun~" he chuckled darkly.

I thrashed around as I tried to get out of his grip. Aiden growled under his breath as he turned me to face him. He took one of his hands and pinned my arms above my head. He took his other and raised it. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain taking over my cheek.

"Stop resisting! You know you want me!~" Aiden shouted at me.

I felt my eyes watering as I scowled at him, "Aiden, I don't like you! I've told you many times! How many more will it take to get it through your thick skull!"

"I will make you love me! You'll see!" he chuckled in disbelief.

"Leave her alone you prick!" I heard someone shout at him.

Aiden let go of me before turning around to see who it was. That's when he fell to the ground, revealing that it was Petra. She turned around and scowled at the rest of his gang.

"Who else wants some?!" Petra threatened, glaring at them coldy.

The rest of Aiden's gang shook their heads nervously as they backed away. One of them grabbed their injured leader before they ran off. Petra sighed as she turned to face me. She held out a hand to me and smiled at me. I smiled back as I took her hand before pulling myself up off the ground.

"Thanks, Petra. I don't know what I would do without you," I said.

Petra chuckled, "Just be more careful. You don't need to be getting involved with Aiden and his gang."

"You don't say," I said sarcastically, smirking a little.

Petra smiled, "Well, I want to make sure you're safe. So, why don't we hang out at my place after school?"

"Sounds good, I'll see you then. Right now we need to head to lunch," I agreed with a nod.

Petra and I went to lunch soon after. The rest of the school day was normal, apart from Petra's constant need to stay near me at all times.

Once school had ended, we both walked over to her place. Upon arriving, Petra led me to her room before shutting and locking the door behind us. I sat on her bed as my thoughts started to wander back to what had happened at school. Soon, I started to silently cry. Petra sighed as she sat next to me before rubbing my back.

"Petra, do you think I'm a slut?" I asked through a sniffle.

Petra shook her head, "Of course not! Jesse, Aiden's just being a dick! Don't listen to him!"

"I can't get my mind off of what he said..." I sighed.

Petra smirked, "I think I have an idea of how to help~"

MCSM Lemons Book (1/2) [Requests Closed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora