Mr. Popular and the Shy Girl (Em x M. Reader)

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(Y/N's POV)
I tried to avoid many of my fangirls as I walked the hallways to my next class. Ever since I started attending Emerald Prep, all the girls in the school started to surround themselves around me. I thought it was nice at first, but now it was getting annoying.

It first started with one girl sitting with me in the courtyard during lunch hour. Then, it turned into her friends joining us. Weeks after that, more and more girls started to surround me. With the surrounding, girls would also leave gifts and love notes in my locker. These obviously became old after a while, but I didn't know what to do.

As I was running away from the fangirls, someone reached their hand out of the janitors closet and grabbed my wrist. The person pulled me in before slamming the door shut. I took a deep breath as I heard the fangirls running past the closet.

"Thanks for that," I said.

The person let out a feminine giggle, "No problem (Y/N)."

I became stiff, knowing I was in the closet with a girl. My main fear was that she was one of those crazy fangirls. She turned on the light, revealing that she was around my age. Her brown hair in space buns with the girl's Emerald Prep uniform. Though, the skirt was a little short on her. A faint blush took over my cheeks when I noticed how the uniform complemented her curves.

"What's your name?" I asked.

The girl giggled, "The name's Em."

"Well Em, I really owe you one!" I said, chuckling a bit.

She smiled at me," Don't mention it. Come on, I know a backway to our next class so those psychos don't catch you."

I nodded as Em cracked the door open. Once she knew the coast was clear, she motioned for me to follow him. We quickly rushed to our next class, only just making it before the bell rang.

When switching classes, I decided to stick near Em. Because I did this, the fangirls finally started to leave me alone. But that wasn't the only reason I wanted to stick near Em.

The other reason I wanted to stick near her was because I started to develop feelings towards her. She was honestly one of, no, THE most gorgeous woman I have ever met. And she wasn't like the other girls. She wasn't drooling over me or falling head over heels for me. No, she was different. She looked at me for who I was and not my looks, which is what I have been looking for in a woman to call my baby.

While we walked to lunch, I took Em by the wrist and led her into the abandoned music room. She gave me a confused look as I locked the door behind us. Then, I backed her up, pinning her against the wall.

"(Y/N), w-what are you doing?" she asked nervously.

I chuckled darkly, "You know, you're not like all the other girls around here, you're different!"

"Thanks..." she responded in confusion.

I leaned in close, locking my lips with hers. I shut my eyes as I wrapped my arms around her waist. She slowly melted in, wrapping her arms around my neck and pulling herself close to me.

After a couple moments, we pulled away from the kiss. Our faces were bright red, and our eyes were filled with lust. I took her off the wall before slamming her onto the ground. I leaned in towards her neck, kissing along it. This caused her to let out a blissful sigh as I trailed my kisses along it. As I did this, I took my hand and ran it under her uniform shirt.

Once I grew bored of kissing along her neck, I started to take off her uniform shirt. I threw it off to the side before quickly undoing her bra. I threw that away as well as I leaned down towards one of her breasts. I placed my mouth over her nipple, sucking gently on it.

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