Some Lustful Attention (Ivor x Soren)

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(Soren's POV)
I sighed as I walked out of the cave. Even the Witherstorm outside couldn't stop me when I was in deep thought. I mean, I had just yelled at Jesse about the Formidi-Bomb not working properly. On top of that, Gabriel had gotten amnesia from how bad his Wither Sickness had gotten, and Ellegaard was severely injured. We're lucky to all be alive right now.

Once I was a good distance away from the cave, I sat myself against a tree as I watched the Witherstorm reek havoc on the wildlife around the cave. But yet, there was nothing I could do. I shut my eyes as I started to go into a deep ocean of thoughts.

"You shouldn't be out here," a voice warned me, "Not with the Witherstorm flying around anyways."

I huffed, "And who are you to tell me that?"

I opened my eyes and scowled when I saw who was talking to me. I stood up and made my way towards Ivor.

"Soren look, you all are in grave danger!" Ivor exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes, "Psh, obviously. Why are you even here? This is all your fault!"

"Soren, I'm sorry. I—" Ivor started.

"I don't care! Why the hell would you spawn a fucking Witherstorm!?" I shouted at him.

He sighed and walked away, "I'd rather not say."

"Why not?" I asked annoyed.

He scowled in frustration, "Because I'm scared that you'll hate me more than you already do!"

I gave him a confused look, "You think I hate you?"

"Well after what I did to teach the Order a lesson, yes I did!" Ivor shouted as he walked off and sat with his legs dangling over the edge of the cliff.

I walked up to him and sat down next to him. Ivor turned away from me as I wrapped my arms around him. He muttered something under his breath so that I couldn't hear him.

"What was that?" I asked.

Ivor sighed, "Leave me alone!"

"But I just want to know w—" I started.

But I didn't get to finish because Ivor whipped around and planted a kiss on my lips. I stiffened in shock as Ivor pulled away.

"There, I finally got you to shut up," Ivor said a but relieved.

I blushed a bit, "Why did you do that?"

"The reason I made the Witherstorm wasn't to teach the Order a lesson, that was my cover," Ivor responded.

I raised an eyebrow at that, "Then, why did you make it?"

"Because, I wanted your attention, and I love you!" Ivor answered nervously.

I blushed a bit as Ivor turned away, his face as red as an apple. I wrapped an arm around his waist and pulled him closer to me. We sat like that for a while just trying to calm down from our heated conversation.

After a while, Ivor got up and pulled me up by the wrist. He dragged me over gl a nearby tree before pressing my back against it. He leaned in towards my neck and started to lick and suck around it. He occasionally bit down on it when sucking, leaving a small bruises trailing around my neck.

Once he was done marking me up, he noticed the small bulge forming in my pants. He placed his hand on it and started stroking it slowly. This caused me to groan as I took a hold of his hand.

"Ugh~ Ivor! That feels amazing~" I groaned as Ivor gave my covered manhood a light squeeze.

He smirked as he continued to stroke my manhood. After a while, my hips started to buck from the pleasure, even though he was barely touching my manhood.

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