No Need for Blueprints (Soren x Harper)

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(Harper's POV)
I had arrived in the end and took a look around. There were no ender crystals around. And there was no sight of the Ender Dragon. All there was was the now lit up exit portal, the obsidian towers, endstone as far as the eye could see, and the void below. I looked around again to make sure I hadn't missed anything. Sure enough I did. There was a long staircase spiraling upwards.

"So this is what Soren built while he was gone," I said to myself in awe.

I walked towards the staircase. It was fairly tall. I guess Soren really liked stairs, it's kinda reminding me of when we first built the portal network. My train of thought ended when I reached a ladder. I looked up and saw a trapdoor. I climbed up the ladder and opened the trapdoor. I climbed through the trapdoor and closed it. I looked around, and it was every bright. A little too bright. I started to look around to see if there was a secret passageway. My head started to feel fuzzy and ache.

"Ugh, what's going on," I said to myself. "Why is-" and before I could finish my sentence I passed out and toppled to the ground. I laid there unconscious and in pain.

(Soren's POV)
I was sitting at my desk writing down a couple of things for the project Harper and I were working on. I look at the digital clock sitting on my desk.

"2:11? Harper said she'd be here at 1:45?" I wondered. "I'm going to see if she got lost or something. Knowing her she probably did."

I got out of the chair and headed towards the office door, shutting it on my way out. I walked into the lobby and looked around.

"Nope not here," I said to myself.

I headed over to the entrance door and flicked the lever on the wall next to it. The door began to slide open. I looked around my Wool World so see if she had arrived in there. I called out to her to see if she would respond. She didn't respond. I called out again and looked around. I finally saw her, but she was lying on the ground. I ran over to her and crouched at her side.

"Harper?" I said shaking her a bit.

I began to panic seeing she didn't wake up.

"Harper! Come on please don't be messing with me!" I yelled in a full on panic.

Yet again she didn't wake up. I picked her up and wrapped her arm around my shoulder. I began to head back into the passageway flicking the lever on my way in. I walked towards my room with her still leaning on my side. I picked her up so that she was fully off the ground. I opened the door to my room my walked in. I shut the door a took her upstairs to my bedroom. I got to my bedroom and quickly laid her on the bed. I took her bag and put it on the floor and put the sheets over her. I put my wrist to her forehead. She had a fever going and knowing her when she has a fever, that means she also has a migraine.  I quickly ran to the kitchen and got a rag and a bowl of cold water. I ran back up to her and soaked the rag. I wrung the rag out and placed it on her head. I sat there patiently waiting for her to wake up, changing the rag a few times.

About three hours later, she began to stir. I took the rag off of her head and waited. Her dark brown eyes began to flutter a bit.

She opened them a bit squinting at me.

"S-Soren is that you?" Harper said in a half awake tone.

"Yes it's me Harper. I'm here," I said trying to calm her a bit. "What happened?"

She groaned a bit before answering. "I went into the woolly place, and I passed out from how bright it was."

I moved a piece of hair away from her face and felt her head again.

"Well looks like your fever is gone. How are you feeling? Do you still want to do the project today?" I asked worriedly.

"I-I'm fine. Just let me get up and we'll start," she said while trying to get up.

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