Hot Tub Heaven (Hadrian x Cassie Rose)

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(Cassie's POV)
Soren had invited us to the temple a few weeks ago. Our group has made plans to meet in the hallway and go together. I was busy packing my bag because we were going to be there for quite a while. While I was packing, my phone vibrated. It was a text from Isa.

"Hey Cass we are meeting up in the hallway soon so you better hurry. I know you take forever when you pack for things like this."

Ugh that was annoying.

I picked up my phone to respond. "Well maybe if you weren't distracting me I'd be done already."

"What? Me distracting you? You should have packed weeks ago!" she said.

"Well sorry you bitch. I'm not one to pack in advance like you!" I slammed my phone on the bed and began to finish packing up.

Then I heard my phone vibrate. Isa, I swear you need to leave me alone.

"What now!" I zipped my bag and picked up my phone.

The text was not from Isa, but it was from Mevia.

"Why the heck is she texting me?" I said to myself.

I open my phone to see the newly sent message. "Are you ready?" she asked. I rolled my eyes and began to text back.

"Yes, do you think you can come and get me out of here?" I asked. I hope she remembers I don't have a flint and steel.

"Yes I'll be there in about an hour. See you then," she said.

An hour later I heard a knock on the door. I hurried downstairs, almost twisting my ankle in the process. I open the door and Mevia stood there waiting patiently, for once someone did.

"Finally, I think I got twenty years older waiting for you," she said jokingly.

I rolled my eyes and giggled. "Well at least your sense of humor hasn't faded."

She laughed. "We should get going. You know Isa has probably been in the hallway for hours at this point." She rolled her eyes. We started walking towards the portal.

"I highly doubt that she's been texting me for about an hour and scolding me on not being prepared in advance," I giggled.

"And I wouldn't be surprised if she was late."

"I wouldn't be surprised either. And you aren't the only one she texted. Harper was ranting to me about it earlier," she said trying not to burst out laughing.

I started to die of laughter. "Well if she is late I'm going to rub it in her snarky ass!"

This made Mevia start bursting out laughing. We kept laughing and making jokes until we reached the portal. She took the enchanted flint and steel out of her inventory and handed it to me. I gave her a confused look.

"Why are you handing it to me? Would Hadrian be mad if he found out?" I asked a bit concerned.

"Who says he needs to know? Besides I know you used to love handling with these things, and I am kinda getting sick of using them so much," she said.

I took the flint and steel from her hand and walked closer to the portal.

Mevia began to warn me.  "Be careful don't-"

"OOF!" I shouted as I was flung backwards and by the portals aura. I hit the ground fairly hard.

"Get to close," she winced a bit seeing me on the ground.

She held a hand out to help me get up. I grabbed her hand and pulled my self up slipping a bit. She helped me get up pulling me up. My face landed in her chest and I freaked out.

MCSM Lemons Book (1/2) [Requests Closed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora