Comatose Caregiver (Magnus x Ellegaard)

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(Magnus's POV)
During the evening I was busy planning for an explosives event in Boomtown. I sighed as I looked out the window of my obsidian tower. Everyone in town had been practicing set up their displays before doing a test run on them.

While I was watching, I phone buzzed in my pocket. I thought it was just another stupid notification for the competition and blew it off. But then, the buzzing happened again and again. It was more like the buzzing of an actual call than a text notification. I took my phone out of my pocket and saw who it was.

Ellegaard for some reason was trying to video chat me. I shrugged it off and picked up. When I picked up, I didn't see Ellie's face. All I saw was a pitch black screen. There was heavy breathing coming from it, which confused me a bit.

"Ellie? What's wrong?" I asked, my brow furrowed in concern.

Ellie shushed me, "Magnus, please don't speak. He might hear you!"

"He? Is someone with you?" I asked as I panicked a bit.

That's when Ellegaard turned on a light in the bathroom she was in. My eyes widened as I saw Ellegaard's face. It was covered in gashes and bruises. She appeared to be half naked in her velvet bra and panties, trembling like a frightened puppy. She normally wouldn't call me if she looked like this. Something must be very wrong.

"Ellie, what happened?" I asked with a bit of a scowl.

She gulped and answered hushed, "Magnus, someone is trying to kill me! I need help!"

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I asked, getting out of my bed.

She nodded, "I'm fine, but barely hanging on. The guy stabbed me in the stomach."

"Can you show me!" I said, it was not a question.

Ellegaard took a couple of deep breaths. She was just about to show me, but something happened. She coughed a bit, covering the screen with something red before collapsing onto the floor.

"Ellie! Are you there?!" I panicked.

There was no response. This caused my heart to sink inside of my chest. I ran out of my tower straight to Redstonia. When I got there, Calvin rushed over to me. He tried to explain what happened, but I told him I knew already and ran inside to get Ellegaard.

Once I was inside, I broke down the door and found her in the bathroom. There was blood all over the floor from her cut and her mouth. I grabbed a blanket and wrapped her up in it before rushing her to Boomtown. There at the hospital, the doctors confirmed she would be okay, but she'd be in a coma for about three months. I signed some papers before I brought her back home.

Exactly three months later, Ellegaard finally woke up from her coma. Her dark brown eyes fluttered open as they adjusted to the light. She looked up at me tiredly blinking before her eyes widened in shock. She tried to sit up quickly, but I caught her and laid her back down on the bed.

"Hey, take it easy! Calm down!" I said as I adjusted the pillow under her head.

She coughed a bit, "W-what am I doing here?"

"You were hurt by a man who was trying to kill you. But don't worry, I'll keep you safe," I answered reassuringly.

She sighed a bit, "Can I cuddle with you?"

"Of course, anything for you Ellie~" I answered.

I slowly slipped onto the bed and under the covers. Right as I did this, Ellegaard threw her arms around me. She snuggled up close to me and looked up at me. I leaned down and gave her a peck on the lips. This caused her to yelp before burying her face into my chest. I chuckled as I ran my fingers through her hair.

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