An Exciting Dorm Party (Lukas x F. Jesse x Axel)

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(Axel's POV)
I quickly threw on my hoodie before looking in the mirror. I was excited for tonight because it would be the first college dorm party I've ever been to. During my high school years, I was never one to really be invited to any parties. But my luck changed when the Blaze Rods invited me to their dorm party. So, this was going to be amazing.

I've always heard how amazing college dorm parties could be. There would be drinks, music, and best of all, hot chicks. My socially awkward butt has never been able to talk to a chick, let alone even approach one. But at this party, I was bound to get stoned which would give me the confidence boost I needed. I looked over at the clock with wide eyes before sprinting out the door.

Once I arrived at the Blaze Rods' dorm, I took a deep breath as I took a hold of the doorknob. I slowly turned it before hesitantly opening the door. I was immediately greeted by Lukas. He was swaying from side to side with a plastic red cup in his hand. He gave me a goofy smile before wrapping an arm around my shoulder.

"Heyyy Buddy!" he said in a very drunken voice.

I chuckled nervously, "Hey Lukas, where can I get a drink?"

"Riiight over there, pal!" he answered, pointing to the kitchen table.

I unwrapped his arm from my shoulder and made my way over to the table. There were so many alcoholic beverages like vodka, whiskey, and even a bit of wine. I sighed as I took a plastic red cup and poured myself a bit of wine. One drink turned into two, then three, until I was fully wasted. I clutched my head as I went to sit on the couch.

While sitting on the couch, some girl with raven black hair wearing a glittery dark blue dress approached me. Even though I was drunk, I could tell who this was. This gorgeous young lady was Jesse, Lukas's girlfriend.

"Hey sexy~ How about me and you get a room?~" she asked drunkenly.

I gulped when I heard someone chuckle. Lukas came over to us and sat next to his girlfriend. He wrapped an arm around her waist before pulling her into his lap.

"Babe, what do you think you're doing?" Lukas asked teasingly.

Jesse chuckled, "I'm just trying to have a little fun, baby~"

"Why don't we all head to my room then?" Lukas suggested.

Jesse nodded before looking at me. I sighed before nodding as well. With that, the three of us headed off to Lukas's room. When we arrived, Lukas locked the door as Jesse led me over to the bed.

"Let's start cutie~" she said seductively.

I blushed madly as Jesse started to remove her dress. To my surprise, she wasn't wearing a bra or panties underneath. Lukas had also fully stripped himself as well. He got up behind Jesse and started grinding his hardened member between Jesse's lags. He also leaned close to Jesse's neck and started to mark her up.

While Lukas teased her, Jesse started to mess with my jeans. She quickly unbuttoned them before messing with the zipper. Once she got it undone, she reached into my jeans and pulled out my member. She licked her lips before getting onto the bed with me. Lukas did this same, positioning his member in front of her entrance. He slammed into her, causing Jesse to moan loudly.

"Ah~ Fuck Lukas!" Jesse shouted.

Afterwards, Jesse started to lean down towards my hardened member.

(Jesse's POV)
I leaned down towards Axel's manhood as I pumped it gently. I leaned down until I was face to face with the tip. He was pretty big, so I was a little nervous. To get my mind off my nerves, I focus on how hard Lukas was slamming into my core.

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