Respawn Love (Petra x Nell)

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(Nell's POV)
I gulped as I walked out of the respawn zone. I had just been eliminated by my own team captain, Em. She pushed me off of the vine wall, hoping that I would hit Jesse on my way down. Jesse had just been frozen in shock and allowed me to fall into the lava below us. I kept my gaze to the ground as I approached three Old Builders. That's when I heard Hadrian and Mevia chuckling at me.

"Well, well. It's about time this pipsqueak got eliminated," Mevia said teasingly.

A voice behind me scowled, "Leave her alone you control freak!"

The three of them looked up, Hadrian and Mevia glaring at the person. I lifted my gaze off the ground before looking back at the mystery person. My eyes widened when I saw who it was. Petra was right in front of me, scowling at Hadrian and Mevia.

"Who are you talking to?" Hadrian asked angrily.

Petra's glare became colder, "I'm talking to you, dumbass! Geez, Jesse was right. You Old Builders really aren't the brightest!"

"Excuse me? You have no right to talk to us like that, stupid respawn!" Mevia shouted at us.

"Hadrian! Mevia!" Otto scolded the two of them.

Mevia shot him a frigid glare, "Shut up, Otto!"

Petra sighed as she took a hand to my shoulder. She squeezed it gently before leading me away from the Old Builders. As we walked along the path back home, Petra quickly brought us into some bushes. I gave her a confused look as she took her hand off my shoulder.

"Um, aren't we supposed to be heading back to the village?" I asked.

Petra chuckled, "Yeah, but that's boring. I have another idea in mind~"

I gulped nervously as Petra pounced on top of me, making me fall onto the ground.. She took a hold of my wrists and pinned my hands above my head. Once she did this, Petra leaned down towards my neck. She gently licked and sucked around, causing me to sigh in bliss.

After a while, she licked over a certain spot. This caused me to let out a soft moan. I leaned my head back, giving her easier access to the rest of my neck. She smirked before biting down harshly. I hissed in pain as she started to suck on that spot. She did this for a couple moments, leaving black and blue bruises all over my neck.

When she finished marking me, Petra leaned in and kissed me on the lips. I moaned in the kiss before melting into it. I wrapped my legs around her waist, pulling her close to me and deepening the kiss.

After a couple more moments of kissing, Petra pulled away and started to kiss down my jawline. She took her hand to the zipper of my uniform before unzipping it. As she did that, she started placing kisses along the newly exposed skin. Once she reached my bra, she stopped and started to mess with my bra. She unclasped it before throwing it off to the side. Then, she leaned down towards my bare breasts and took one of my nipples into her mouth. She took one of her hands off my wrists before taking it onto my other breast and massaging it.

"Ah!~ Petra~" I moaned.

Petra pulled away and chuckled, "Just enjoy yourself, Nell~"

She went back to sucking and massaging my breasts. I couldn't help but to moan louder as I bucked my hips lightly. After a couple moments, Petra switched breasts and did the same to the other breast.

Once she grew bored of that, she pulled away from my breasts. She took her free hand and started to trail it lower down my body. She removed the rest of my uniform, throwing it off the side along with my panties. I blushed madly as I watched her remove her armor, shirt, shorts, and panties. I shivered a bit from the snowy ground, which Petra noticed. She let go of my hands before taking her shirt off the ground and turning to face me.

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