Girl's Day (Petra x F. Jesse)

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(Jesse's POV)
Life in Beacontown has been a bit stressful lately. Everyone asking me for materials, answers to some really dumb questions, and even reviews for blueprints of buildings that they thought would fit the town. These people think of me as their mayor, but I could never see myself as mayor of Beacontown.

This morning, I woke up to the sound of my phone buzzing. I wonder who it could be? Maybe another citizen needing my help, again. I picked up my phone off my dresser and turned it on.

To my surprise, the text was from Petra. It read, "Hey Jess, I know you've been a bit stressed put lately, but I think I have a nice solution to that." I unlocked my phone and asked, "How so?" She immediately responded with, "Meet me at my place in an hour." "Okay," I said before turning off my phone and getting out bed to get ready.

An hour later, I arrived at Petra's place. I knocked on the door and waited for a response. Almost immediately, Petra swung the door open and waked out.

"You ready?" Petra asked.

I gave her a confused look, "I thought you wanted to stay home?"

"Oh, well. I thought that maybe a day away from Beacontown might be a good idea to help you calm down and relax," Petra suggested.

I shrugged, "I guess, but we can't be put for long."

"Come on, it's a girl's day. Beacontown can wait," Petra said, grabbing my wrist and dragging me behind her.

I sighed as she dragged me along.

After a while, we arrived at our destination. Petra had dragged me along to a mall in Champion City. It felt a bit wrong to be here, but Petra did say I needed time away from Beacontown. This is just not what I expected, you could say. Petra brought me inside to start our little day out.

The first thing on the list, clothes shopping. Not really me or Petra's thing, but I guess we need to get out of our comfort zone to have a bit of fun. When we entered the store, Petra and I split up to find a few outfits to try on for shits and giggles.

After finishing looking for outfits, we met up at the changing rooms. Petra had brought an employee along to help us unlock one of a changing rooms. Petra wanted me to go first but I insisted that she go first. She walked into the changing room and tried on the first outfit. I heard a bit of laughter coming from the changing room.

"Petra, are you okay?" I asked, trying not to laugh.

Petra chuckled, "I'm going to come out. I think this is hilarious."

With that, Petra came out of the changing room with a goofy grin on her face and struck a silly pose. This caused me to start laughing hysterically. In all my years of knowing Petra, I had never seen her in a tube dress whatsoever. But that wasn't the funny part. The funny part was the way she was holding herself. The dress was obviously too tight on her chest, because her breasts were popping out of the dress.

"Um, Petra," I said trying not to laugh.

Petra started laughing again, causing me to laugh along with her. We continued to try on outfits and laughing our asses off. We thought we were models, striking the dumbest poses in clothes that made no sense whatsoever. We weren't even able to speak because we kept laughing and giggling. We didn't even want to buy the clothes; we were just trying them on for some laughs.

But during our little 'fashion show', I was having a bit of trouble getting one of the outfits on. I had been trying for a couple minutes before deciding I needed help.

"Petra, I need help," I said through the door.

Petra sighed and got up. She opened the door and and walked in. I showed her that I needed help getting the zipper up on the back of this dress I had on. Petra helped me get it zipped up. I turned to face her, and I thought I saw a slight blush on her face.

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