An Imposter's Lust (Romeo x F. Reader)

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(Y/N's POV)
Jesse and I have been in a happy, loving relationship for years now. Nothing has ever been able to separate the two of us, not even the worst of our fights. But little did I know that was going to change soon...

It was the day before the famous Founding Day. I had gone out grocery shopping for the house, since we were running low on food. I had gotten what we needed and started to head home.

As soon as I arrived, I placed the groceries on the counter and started towards the bedroom. Suddenly, I heard a strange noise coming from there.

"Agh, Petra~" I heard a male voice groan.

I blinked a couple of times in confusion before continuing down the hallway. I saw the bedroom door cracked open and the lights dimmed down. I slowly opened up the door and walked in. I froze in place at what I saw next.

There, on the bed, were Jesse and Petra in the middle of a heated lovemaking session. My eyes widened when they locked with Petra's.

"What the fuck, Jesse?!" I asked furiously.

Jesse yelped and twisted around. He covered his crotch with a pillow. He got up from the bed and started walking towards me.

"Babe, it's not what it looks like!" Jesse said in a panic.

I huffed, "Sure, you know what? I don't give a fuck!" I grabbed a bag of clothes from the closet, "I'm leaving! We are D-O-N-E, DONE!"

I stormed out of the room, slamming the door behind me. I could hear Jesse's begging and pleading as I walked out the door.

A couple months later, I had managed to get my own place in Beacontown. I would have moved out of town, but it was cheaper to stay in town until I can get a better job. I knew something had to have been going on with Jesse. Turns out he was just another playboy.

I was just moseying on my couch reading a book, when suddenly there was a knocking at the door. I sighed and placed my bookmark in before shutting the book. I placed it down on the coffee table as I made my way to the door. I opened the door and my face paled at who was at the door.

"Hey baby," Jesse, or who I believed to be him, greeted as he gave me a small hug.

I hugged back a bit confused, "Um, hi?"

"I missed you, babe~" he said huskily.

'This isn't Jesse...' I thought.

After a minute, we separated from the hug. Jesse smirked as he walked into the house. He sat on the couch and motioned for me to sit down next to him. I hesitantly walked towards him before sitting down next to him. When I sat down, he wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me so that my head was resting on his chest.

A little while later, I felt how he took his arm around my waist and pulled me onto his lap. This was strange because the real Jesse would never do this. I decided enough was enough and that I was going to find out who this really was.

"Who the fuck are you?!" I asked furiously.

The man chuckled, "What do you mean? I'm Jesse."

"I broke up with my Jesse a couple months ago. Who the hell are you?" I asked again.

The man eyes turned red with golden irises. He still stayed in Jesse's form as he began to caress my body.

"Have you ever heard of an admin?" the man asked.

I gulped, "Y-yes."

"Well, there's your answer. My name is Romeo. But you can call me, Daddy~" he said huskily.

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