I Promise (M. Jesse x Lukas)

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(Lukas's POV)
It was very hot in the mines. My arms cramped from the constant swinging of the iron pickaxe I had been given upon elimination. I was growing tired of mining up quartz and netherrack. I feel bad for all the people in the mines that have been doing it longer than me and Ivor.

As I was mining a vein of quartz, I started to think about being trapped here forever. I was worried that Jesse wouldn't get us out of here. That he would lose and be sent here along with Petra and Harper. Ivor stopped mining and noticed the worried look on my face. He walked over to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. I put my pickaxe back into my inventory and sighed when he did this.

"What's wrong, Blondie?" Ivor asked.

I sighed and turned to face him, "I'm worried, I don't want to be stuck here, Ivor!"

"Don't worry, Jesse will get us out of here and will make sure we all get back home safely," Ivor said reassuringly.

Just as I was about to thank him, one of the gladiators stormed up to us. He crossed his large arms over his broad chest, glaring down at me and Ivor.

"What do you two think you're doing? Get back to work!" he scowled.

I gulped as he walked away. Ivor and I looked at each other as we got out our pickaxes and got back to mining.

A couple veins of quartz later, Facemeat walked into the mines. I yelped and dropped my pickaxe as he grabbed me and Ivor by the collars of our shirts. He picked us up off the ground before heading towards the portal back to the village. He threw us out of the mines while shouting,

"Here. Go away, Respawns!"

I groaned as I landed on the cold, hard brick pathway. I lifted myself up, relieved to see Jesse and Petra looking down at me. I winced as I to push myself up, my right arm still very sore from mining. They backed away as Otto and Harper helped me and Ivor off the ground.

"I'm so sorry about that! I've told him multiple times not to throw people out of the mines!" Otto apologized.

I chuckled, "It's fine, it doesn't hurt that badly."

Otto let got of me as I brushed myself off a bit. Jesse walked up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder. He gave it a reassuring squeeze as Otto and Harper motioned for us to follow them. They led us into our dorm so that we could all rest and relax from Spleef.

Once Otto left for the palace, Petra, Ivor and Harper decided to have a better look around the village. This left Jesse and I in the room alone. I thought this might be a good time to talk to Jesse and get my mind off of those damned mines.

"Hey Jesse," I said as I nudged him a bit.

He smiled as he turned to face me, "Hey Lukas, what's up?"

"I- uh, just wanted to talk to you. I want to know how you plan to get us out of here," I answered.

Jesse took an arm around my shoulders and pulled me close to him, "Is it because you're scared of going back to the mines?"

I nodded, "Well, yeah. Jesse, it was bad in there!"

"Don't worry, I promise I'll win the games and get us all out of here," Jesse reassured me.

I shrugged, "I don't know. These games seem impossible."

"How about I help you get your mind on something better?~" Jesse smirked.

I blushed a bit, "What are you talking about?"

I yelped a bit as Jesse playfully pushed me down onto the bed. He pounced on top of me before leaning down and kissing me on the lips. I was shocked at first, but I melted in after a couple moments. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he started to trail his hands down my sides.

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