Getting Jealous (Petra x Radar)

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(Radar's POV)
Today, I finally got a break from my normal intern duties. Jesse decided to give me the day off, so that I could hang out with him and Petra. The three of us settled for going on a small, relaxing mining trip. Jesse got this idea because he ran into a ravine on one of his previous adventures. Petra likes to mine while I like being productive, so it works out for everyone. Jesse had also invited Lukas along, just to even out the numbers.

It's been a while since I've had a break from running errands and managing Jesse's schedules. We had just finished up an exhausting week, filled to the brim with multiple events and town hall meetings. And I wasn't the only one who needed this break. Jesse was pretty tuckered out and needed some time to spend with his friends.

While we were walking to the cave, Petra took me by the wrist before slowing us down a bit. As we trailed behind Jesse and Lukas, Petra leaned in close to my ear. I gulped nervously as Petra scowled,

"Keep away from Jesse! Or else!"

"W-What did I d-d-do?" I asked, stuttering a bit.

Petra gave me a deadpan look, rolling her eyes as she let go of my wrist. She stormed ahead of me, catching up to Jesse and Lukas. Me on the other hand, I stayed as far away from Petra as I could.

When we got to the ravine, Jesse suggested that we split off into teams of two. I got a bit worried when he said that, but then I got even more worried when Petra suggested that me and her be a team. She said it was because, "He and Lukas needed bonding time". Jesse agreed with her before we split off into separate directions.

As Petra and I were making our way along the ravine, I started to get a weird feeling in my chest. I saw her glaring at me from the corner of my eye. After seeing that, I tried my best to keep my gaze on the ground. Once we were far enough into the ravine, Petra grabbed me by the wrist again.

"What do you want?" I sighed.

Petra took a hand to my chin, making me look up at her, "Look, I'm sorry for the way I acted earlier. I guess I was getting a bit jealous that you get to spend so much time with Jesse."

"You're not not the only one..." I muttered under my breath.

Petra let go of me and raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean? I'm nothing special."

"Yes you are!" I exclaimed, "You're Petra! The greatest freaking warrior around!"

Petra giggled, "Awe, thanks Radar!"

"Quite beautiful too... Jesse is lucky to have you," I mumbled.

Petra blushed lighty, "You want to see more of me, cutie~?"

I nodded as a response, at a loss for words. I blushed madly as Petra pushed me so that I sat on the stone. She licked her lips while she started to mess around with my jeans. She slowly unzipped and unbuttoned them before pulling my member out of my boxers.  She pumped my member, causing it to harden up slowly.

"You're a big boy, aren't you~" Petra purred.

I chuckled nervously as Petra leaned in and kissed the tip of my member. I grunted softly as Petra started to engulf my length. As soon as she got my member fully inside her mouth, Petra started to bob her head up and down my shaft. I groaned softly as her warm, wet saliva covered my shaft.

While she bobbed her head along my length, she took one of her hands to the base of my member. After doing this, Petra gently massaged my base. This caused me to lean my head back and groan loudly at the feeling of her hand caressing my base. I placed my hand on the back of her head, my fingers intertwining with her long ginger hair. Guided her head along my shaft as I bucked my hips upwards.

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