Make it Last (Harper x Ellegaard)

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(Ellegaard's POV)
Harper and I have been working on a light redstone project. She arrived here about a week ago. She was only planning to stay for a week, but then quarantine came into play. Everyone was basically trapped inside their homes. Calvin decided it would be a good idea lock up the dome while Harper and I were inside.

It wasn't all that bad. I've been wanting to get to know Harper for quite a while now. I haven't been around another highly skilled engineer in years. Mind you she is also in the Old Builders, which actually got me a bit more excited to be with her.

Harper and I had just spent most of our day working on our project. I had fallen asleep on her shoulder during our work. I woke up about an hour later. The sun was starting to set, so I assumed it to be around six to seven o' clock.

I turned around in the bed and saw Harper had passed out next to me. I looked down at my body to see that I had different clothing on. Had Harper changed me? I blushed as I thought of Harper looking at my body without cover.

Harper was fast asleep on the bed. Although, she looked a bit uncomfortable considering she was still wearing her aviator robes. I went into her bag to grab some clothing for her, when I felt something. I pulled out the object slowly from her bag.

I felt my cheeks start heat up a bit. There in my hand was a large red dildo. I wondered why Harper has this with her. Why would she even need this in the first place? I put the toy back into her bag and grabbed some clean clothes for her.

I walked back over to the bed and started to undress her. I quickly removed her bottoms and put some white spandex shorts on her. I'm not lying when I say I almost drooled over her. I untied her robe and took it off along with her undershirt. I hesitated to touch her breasts as I carefully unsnapped her bra. I took it off and stared in awe. Her breasts were massive!

I heard Harper groan and my heart sank into my stomach. I quickly put her red long sleeve shirt on her before taking her dirty clothes and putting them in her bag. I briskly walked out of the room and into the kitchen. I started to cook some steak and potatoes for us.

About an hour later, Harper walked into the kitchen. She rubbed her eyes a bit sleepily before yawning.

"Good morning, sleepy," I chuckled.

"Mornin'," she responded mid-yawn.

She sat down at the table, setting her head on her fist. I brought over the food and placed it down on the table before sitting down.

We finished our food pretty quickly. While washing the dishes, Harper excused herself to go get something from the bedroom. She came back a few minutes later, coming up behind me and running her hands along my sides. This made me shiver a bit, causing her to chuckle.

"You like that, huh?" she chuckled.

I took a hold of her hands before asking, "Are we supposed to social distancing?"

This caused her to wrap her arms around my waist and pull my body closer to her.

"Now who told you that?" she asked seductively.

She started to run her hands under my shirt. A small moan escaped my lips when she started to gently stroke my torso. She made her way up to my breasts. When she found them, she turned me around to face her before taking off my shirt and discarding it onto the floor.

"W-What's all t-this about?!" I stuttered as I desperately tried to cover up my breasts.

She chuckled as she removed my hands, "We're alone aren't we? Maybe we should make this last, quarantine ain't gonna last forever ya know."

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