An Unusual Attraction (Nell x Clutch)

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(Nell's POV)
I've been playing the Games for quite some time now. It's been pretty boring around here after Hadrian and Mevia took over the Games. They've been forcing everyone to fight against each other just for their own amusement for years now. It's honestly very sickening.

During a round of the Lava Race, I was in the Gladiator Junction with Em and the rest of the Green Team. Em ran off in front of us while the rest of the team stayed to fight off the Gladiators. As I was fighting off Slab, Facemeat lit up a TNT block.

"Here comes the BOOM!" he shouted as he threw the TNT block from one of the pillars.

Slab jumped to the side as the TNT block started to hiss. I barely had any time to move as the block blew up. The blast sent me flying into one of the side walls. I head smacked against the walls before my body slid into the waterpool below me. I blacked out, not knowing what happened next.

A couple hours later, I finally woke up. I blinked my eyes open as they adjusted to the light of the room. Once my vision cleared, I looked up and Saw Otto and clutch looking down at me.

"Nell, can you hear me?" Otto asked.

I nodded as I sat up in the bed, "W-What happened?"

"You were injured during the Lava Race, and Clutch brought you here to rest," Otto explained.

I gave him a confused look as Clutch sat down next to me. She sighed before taking her hand to my shoulder.

"Facemeat's TNT blast sent you flying into a wall. You passed out and I brought you here. While you were resting I went to get Otto because I didn't know what to do," Clutch elaborated.

I ran my fingers up the side of my head, wincing when I felt the bandage covering my temple. Clutch took a hold of my hand before placing it into my lap. Otto left the dorm, leaving me and Clutch alone in the dim room. I blushed a little as Clutch took a hold of my shoulder once again. She pushed me down onto the bed and covered me in the soft, warm blankets. Soon enough, I became drowsy as my eyes fluttered shut.

I awoke again the next morning, only this time I wasn't alone in the bed. I blushed when I noticed that Clutch had wrapped her arms around my waist. There was this almost warm, tingly sensation in my core. Clutch moved her hand down my waist in her sleep. I yelped a little as she absentmindedly squeezed my thigh.

"Ah~" I moaned softly.

Suddenly, Clutch's eyes fluttered open. She blushed lightly as she moved her hand away from my thighs. She quickly sat up in the bed, stuttering a little.

"Oh my Notch, Nell I am so sorry!" Clutch apologized as she clambered herself on top of me.

I chuckled as a light blush took over my cheeks, "It's okay, brah."

Clutch blushed harder as I wrapped my arms around her neck. Some weird feeling took over me. The air around me felt heavier as we both started to lean in closer to each other. Then, our lips locked. We stayed in the position for a while, embracing this new and unusual attraction.

After a couple minutes, we pulled away from the kiss. We panted as a string of saliva dripped from our lips. The air around us felt like it was getting warmer as if it started to fill with lust and desire.

"Take me, Clutch! I want to be yours!" I begged.

Clutch chuckled, "If that's what you want~ Then that's what I'll give you~"

I giggled as Clutch started to remove my competitor's uniform along with my undergarments. Once she had completely stripped me of my clothing, she started to remove her clothing as well. Afterwards, she leaned down towards my neck, licking and sucking around it.

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