Our Little Secret (Radar x Nikki)

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(Nikki's POV)
"No, don' leave!" I yelled as I clung onto my brother.

Jesse chuckled, "Nikki, it's okay. Radar will be here to help guide you through your duties. Besides, I promised Petra I would go with her this time around.

"Can't it wait? I mean, I'm going to miss you, and it'll be lonely around here," I said sadly as I let go of his arm.

Jesse got down to my level and gave me a small hug, "You'll be fine. Like I said, you have Radar to keep you company."

"Fine," I whined as Jesse let go of me and stood back up.

Petra walked up behind Jesse and put a hand on his shoulder, "We should get going Jesse."

Jesse rolled his eyes playfully at her, "Alright, I'll see you later little sis."

I sighed, "See you."

Jesse and Petra then walked out the door as they headed out on their adventure. I sighed as I closed the door and locked it behind them. Once I did that, I walked over and plopped down onto the couch. After a while of laying around on the couch, I heard a knock at the door.

"Coming!" I exclaimed as I got up from the couch and quickly made my way to the door.

I opened the door to see Radar with this derpy little smile he always has plastered on his face. I greeted him and motioned for him to come in. He wiped off his shoes before walking in and sitting on the couch. I quickly went to the kitchen and got a couple glasses of water before walking to the living room. I handed one of the cups to Radar and sat next to him on the couch.

"So you heard about my brother's adventure, right?" I asked.

He nodded, "Mhm, and he asked me to keep you company and help you while he's gone. Though, I thought that maybe tonight we could have a bit of fun."

I gave him a confused look, "What do you mean by that?"

"Just meet me outside the gates of Beacontown tonight," he said before getting up and walking out the door.

I sighed as I [picked up a book off the coffee table and started reading.

Later that night, I was waiting outside the gates like Radar had told me to. Now, where could Radar be right now? He said he'd be here before I was, but I guess he's running late, as usual. Suddenly, I saw Radar running in the distance. He stopped in front of me and started panting.

"Sorry I was late. I was busy doing some work and lost track of time," he apologized.

I rolled my eyes playfully, "It's fine, let's just go already."

"Alright, follow me then," he said as he started to walk ahead of me.

I ran up behind him as I tried to keep up. It was a long walk from Beacontown to our destination and my feet were starting to get really sore.

Finally, we arrived at our destination. It was a waterfall with a nice view if both Beacontown and Champion City. I stared in awe at all the lights that lit up both cities. Even though it was nighttime, both cities were still awake and lively. I sat next to Radar as we took a moment to take in the beautiful view. Radar got behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He pulled me onto his lap and placed his head on my shoulder.

After a while of sitting in this position, I felt something weird. There was something starting to poke me on my butt. I looked back at Radar, who was staring at his crotch blushing madly. I gave him a confused look as I got off of his lap and turned to face him fully. I looked down to see why he was blushing so much and gaped at what I saw. I couldn't believe I was staring at a guy's boner.

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