Playing Games (Ivor x Harper)

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(Ivor's POV)
I'm so excited. Today is the day I finally get to see Harper. It been months since our last meet up, and I've been dying to see her again.

She was going to be running the Games with her friends and wanted me to tag along. Of course, I said yes. I just hope her friends don't mind me watching the Games. Mevia and Otto I have no problem with, but Hadrian, let's say things weren't the greatest when Harper introduced me to him. I get the feeling that he disapproves of our relationship.

Thing is, Harper's never really cared what Hadrian says about her love life. She's always been able to make her own decisions about what he wants in a relationship.

Hadrian is known for disapproving of interracial couples. What he doesn't know is that Mevia and Otto have been dating right under his nose. I honestly laugh at the fact that he still doesn't know about them. But I'm not gonna say a word about it.

I finished packing my potion supplies and started heading out. Soren was in the living room cuddling with Ellegaard. He spotted me and called for me.

"Where are you going?" Soren asked curiously.

"Nowhere special, just visiting Harper and her friends," I answered.

"Harper, huh?" Soren said as he teasingly raised his eyebrows.

I started blushing and stuttered a bit. This caused Soren to laugh.

He chuckled, "Ivor, I'm only messing with you! Just go have fun."

I huffed playfully before walking out the door.

About an hour later, I landed in the Portal Network. I looked around for a little bit as I waited for Otto and Mevia. I could never navigate where their portal is ,no matter how many times I've been there. Curse my short term memory.

A few minutes later I heard someone land in the hallway. I turned to see Otto but no sign of Mevia. I walked up to Otto and greeted him.

"So, where's Mevia?" I asked.

"She couldn't make it," he answered.

"Oh, how come?" I asked again.

"Long story short, she ended up injuring herself the other day," Otto responded shaking his head in amusement, "I swear, she always finds a way to hurt herself. I mean, you could put her in a padded room, and  she'd still find a way to get hurt."

I just chuckled at his comment. That was true though. Every time I see Mevia, she always injured somehow.

"You can tell me more later, I'm just excited to see Harper," I said eagerly walking in the direction I thought the portal was in.

Otto chuckled, "Wrong way!"

"I knew that," I said annoyed.

Otto just chuckled as he led me into the portal.

I landed on the other side of the portal but lost my balance and fell. I heard a feminine giggle coming from in front of me.

"You need a hand?" the voice asked.

"Sure," I said looking up and grabbing ahold of Harper's hand.

Once she pulled me up, I immediately wrapped my arms around her and pulled her into a very tight hug. she hugged back but tapped my shoulder to tell me I was hugging her a bit too tightly. We separated from the hug and I looked around.

"So, no Mevia I assume?" I asked.

Harper shook her head, "She's here. She's just waiting for us in the stands. Poor thing got hurt, again."

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