I Never Hated You (Lukas x F. Jesse)

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(Jesse's POV)
Today was a big day. It was the Endercon Building Competition. Every year Lukas and I tend to become very competitive.

This is because Lukas and I have been rivals for the longest time. It's never been the greatest between us. We have always hated each other because of the fact that Lukas's team was full of stuck up jerks. At one time, I had the slightest thought that Lukas could be better than that, but I was mistaken. Lukas is a jerk just like his little pack of "Ocelots".

"Jesse!" Olivia exclaimed, shaking me like a drag doll.

I shook my head and looked at her, "Huh? What happened?"

"You spaced out and just started staring at Lukas," Olivia explained.

I sighed, "Sorry about that. Let's get to starting our build."

Axel and Olivia nodded, taking some wool and oak planks out of their inventory. I took a stack of cobblestone blocks and redstone out of my inventory before we got to work.

While we were working, I started to feel a bit thirsty. I told Axel and Olivia I'd be back in a minute, but they ignored me and just continued working. I jumped down as I made my way to the water stand. When I got there, I felt someone push me onto the ground.

"Well well, look what the ocelot dragged in!" Aiden said mockingly.

I scowled, "Aiden, what the hell is wrong with you!"

"Aw, what's the matter? Is little Jesse scared of big bad me?~" Aiden teased.

I growled under my breath, "I hate you!"

Aiden scowled at me before flipping me onto my back. Then, he punched me in the face. I hissed in pain and yelped as he continued to punch at me. He stood up after a while and started to stomp on and kick at me. I rolled onto my side before covering my my head with my arms.

Suddenly, I heard Aiden yelp as someone yanked him away from me. I rolled back onto my back and blinked my eyes open. I saw Lukas yelling at Aiden, Maya and Gill holding the two back from each other. I could barely hear a thing, but the last thing I saw was Lukas ripping away from Maya and punching Aiden in the face.

When I woke up, I looked around and saw that I wasn't in the treehouse. Instead, I was in a fancier looking place. The walls were pure white and the bed had velvet covers. I looked to my right and saw Lukas sitting next to me, smiling down at me.

"Hey Jesse, how are you feeling?" Lukas asked.

I groaned a bit and lifted my head off the pillow.

"I'm fine, I guess," I answered.

Lukas sighed, "Look, I'm sorry about what Aiden did to you."

"Why would you help me? I though you hated me," I asked.

Lukas raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean? I get yeah we're rivals, but I never hated you. Besides, I couldn't let Aiden hurt you like that."

I tried to sit up, but winced as I did so. Lukas took a hand to my shoulder and helped me up.

"Easy there, you need to slow down," Lukas said.

I blushed a bit from embarrassment, "Um, thanks."

He blushed a bit before taking his hand off of my shoulder. He scratched the back of his head and chuckled nervously. Then, things started to get awkward when I noticed the bulge in Lukas's jeans. He saw that I was looking there and tried to cover it with his hands.

"Jesse, I'm so sorry!" Lukas apologized.

I giggled, "It's fine. Maybe I can make it up to you for helping me~"

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