Sharing Love (Aiden x M. Jesse x Lukas)

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(Aiden's POV)
While the Ocelots were strolling through the town, I became a but bored and started to wander off. I walked through the downtown area and stumbled into the fountain. I sighed as I sat down on it. After a while, Lukas decided to join me.

"Hey Aiden, what are you doing here?" Lukas asked.

I shrugged, "I was just bored of standing around at the market. So I came here to just relax."

"Oh, nice. Nice," Lukas responded.

Lukas and I just chilled out for a while at the fountain. Meanwhile, Maya and Gill were walking around the market area to get food and supplies.

While Lukas and I were sitting at the fountain, we noticed a very cute guy walking by. We both blushed as we looked at the guy.

"Woah, he looks so cute," I said.

Lukas's eyes widened, "Aiden, I think that's Jesse. You know, the guy Petra had mentioned."

I blushed even harder at that. But then, a sort of envy and rage filled me. I was determined to let Lukas know that Jesse would be mine. Lukas got up from the fountain.

"I'm gonna go say hello," Lukas said.

I scowled as I got up from the fountain, "Um, no you're not! I am!"

Lukas looked at me in confusion as I grabbed him by his jacket collar. He yelped as I lifted him off the ground

"Listen here, Jesse is mine! Got it?!" I scowled.

Lukas gulped, "Aiden, you don't have to do this."

"What do you mean?" I asked as I set him down.

Lukas took a deep breath before responding, "We can share him. You know take turns."

"Not a bad idea, why don't we invite him over so we can test that out?" I suggested.

Lukas smirked and nodded, "Sounds like a plan."

We both nodded at each other before walking up to Jesse. We introduced ourselves and decided to stay and chat for a little while. By the time Maya and Gill had finished shopping, Lukas had invited our new friend to come stay with us. Jesse happily accepted and the three of us walked home behind Maya and Gill.

Once we got home, Lukas and I immediately led Jesse upstairs to Lukas's room. When we got into the room, I locked the door while Lukas gently sat Jesse on the bed. Lukas blushed madly as he leaned in and kissed Jesse. Jesse was startled for a second, but melted in after a few seconds.

As they did that, I came up behind Jesse and started to lick and suck around his neck. This caused him to moan in the kiss. While I did that, I bit down a couple times. I did this a couple times, leaving hickeys along his neck.

When I git bored of marking him, I started to undo his jeans. I slipped my hands down his pants before stroking his member. Meanwhile, Lukas and Jesse pulled away from their kiss. Lukas started to undo his shirt before brushing his fingers over Jesse's nipples.

(Jesse's POV)
I groaned softly as Aiden started to stroke my member and Lukas brushed his cold fingers over my nipples. Their cold fingertips caused me to shiver a bit as they caressed my body. Lukas started to pinch my nipples a bit, causing me to moan softly.

As Lukas toyed with my nipples, I felt how Aiden lowered my pants to my thighs. Then, I felt something poking at my backside. I grunted as Aiden took the thing and started to trail the tip around my anus. Then, I yelped as he inserted the thing into me. He started to slowly thrust in and out of me, causing me to moan softly.

"Aiden~ Ah fuck~" I moaned.

Aiden groaned, "Agh, Lukas~ You need to get in on this!"

Lukas chuckled, "I might as well~"

MCSM Lemons Book (1/2) [Requests Closed]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora