Explosive Love (Magnus x Shy M. Reader)

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(Magnus's POV)
I chuckled maniacally as I continued to launch TNT at a nearby tree. I loved the flashing of the TNT as it built up to destroy whatever was in its path. Then, the satisfying boom would ring through the air as the TNT would demolish anything within a ten block radius. I watched as Ellegaard and (Y/N) walked out of the temple to test out a new invention Ellie had fixed up.

"Hey nerd! Whatcha got there?" I shouted at them.

Ellie rolled her eyes, "Shut up, you're going to blow up your brain one day!"

"Whatever!" I yelled as I continued to launch TNT.

While launching TNT, (Y/N) and Ellie had to get something that flew in the direction of my TNT. He quickly made his way across and past the path of my TNT. But as he was grabbing the item, a block of TNT launched out the machine and a strong wind caught it. (Y/N) noticed it was flying towards Ellie and ran over to her.

"Watch out!" (Y/N) exclaimed.

Ellie lifted her head up just in time to see (Y/N) push her out of the way. Ellie took a few steps forwards before the TNT landed and exploded. Ellie was unaffected, but (Y/N) was caught in the TNT's clutches. (Y/N) let out a yell as the TNT's shockwave sent him flying into a nearby tree. He flashed red before falling to the ground.

Ellie shook her head and looked up. "(Y/N)!" she shouted with her eyes wide as she got up off the ground and ran towards him.

I also ran towards him from my TNT cannon. Ellie and I both got down to his side. Ellie shook him a bit.

"(Y/N), wake up! This isn't funny!" Ellie said in a panic.

I gulped, "Oh shit, this is bad."

"Of you were just paying more attention this wouldn't have happned!" Ellie shouted at me.

I scoffed, "Please, I can't control the damn wind!"

While we were arguing, (Y/N) started to stir. Ellie and I stopped arguing when we heard a small groan come from him. Both of our heads snapped towards him as his eyes started to flutter open.

"E-Elleg-aard, M-Magn-us," he mumbled.

"Oh thank Notch!" Ellegaard said, highly relieved.

I chuckled, "You okay there, pipsqueak?"

(Y/N) shook his head with a groan. He looked to be in a world of pain. So, I gently took my arms under his back and knees. I picked him up slowly before making my way to the temple, with Ellie rushing in front of us to open the doors.

Once we got him to my room, Ellie rushed off to find Ivor. Meanwhile, I laid (Y/N) down in my bed and covered him up. I sat on the bed before going to get up, but he stopped me. (Y/N) had grabbed me by the wrist and was now tugging at it.

"Don't go, please stay," he mumbled.

I chuckled softly, "Sure thing, pipsqueak."

I laid myself down next to him as he threw himself on top of me. He winced because of this before burying his head in the crook of my neck. He fell asleep like this as Ivor came in to give him a potion that would heal up his injuries. Ivor wrapped him up before leaving some healing potions on the nightstand for him. He and Ellie left the room and shut the door behind them.

A couple weeks later, the Order decided to go gather supplies for the temple. I, of course, told Soren that I needed to stay behind to keep an eye on (Y/N). Soren was a bit hesitant but finally gave in. He left with the others, saying they would be back before nightfall.

Once they left, I headed to my room to check up on how (Y/N) was doing. When I arrived at the door, I started to hear the sounds of moaning and skin slapping coming from inside.

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