Our Valentine Gift (Magnus x Ellegaard)

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(Magnus's POV)
Valentines Day is just around the corner. I've been waiting, somewhat patiently, all year for this moment. I had something big planned for Valentines Day. You want to know what that was?

Well, for a while now, I have had a HUGE crush on Ellegaard. Yes, we have our little squabbles here and there, but I still love her. I've wanted to ask her out for a while, but since the Order of the Stone has been busy adventuring, there's never really much free time to relax. And there's definitely no time to go on a date.

Until now that is. Soren had decided a couple of weeks ago that we should take a few months off from all pf our adventures and just chill for a while. The rest of the Order was happy to hear that. Although Gabriel and Ivor have just been busy preparing and not relaxing, I've been planning on the prefect way to ask Ellie out.

Today, I was heading over to Soren's to meet with the guys. Ellegaard is currently in Redstonia, which gave us guys the perfect opportunity to talk to each other man to man. I was going to ask them a couple questions on what would amaze Ellie the lost on a date. They tend to talk to her a bit more and probably know more about her than I do.

When I arrived at Soren's fortress, Ivor was waiting in the loot sorting room. He tapped his foot impatiently, grumbling something under his breath. His eyes widened when he saw me.

"Finally, took you long enough," he scowled.

"Heh, sorry lost track of time," I said scratching the back of my neck.

Ivor rolled his eyes, " Well, come on then, we've been waiting for you for the past several hours!"

I shed and followed him through the end portal. When we landed in the end, we started up the stairs. Though, it didn't take ling for us to run out of breath.

"Tell me again, why in the Nether did Soren make these stairs so dang long?!" I asked annoyed and out of breath.

"He just likes stairs I guess," Ivor answered, shrugging a bit.

Then a certain thought popped into my perverted mind. Boy, is Ivor going to hate me.

"Do you think, maybe, he's compensating for something?" I asked teasingly.

Ivor glared at me while smirking playfully, "You're such an ass. You know that right?"

I chuckled, "No need for a reminder. I'm just good at it."

Ivor let out a small, playful huff at this. I could tell he was holding back a bit of laughter.

We heard laughter coming from the top of the staircase. Ivor and I looked up to see Gabriel waiting for us a little further up.

"You know, that's rich coming from you, Ivor," Gabe chuckled.

"Feh," Ivor grumbled.

Gabe and I started laughing as we made our way up the staircase. Once we finally reached the top, all three of us were about ready to pass out. Luckily, Soren left the doors open to the lobby.

When we finally arrived in his room, he was busy writing something down in his notebook. For all I know, it could just be more shit on Enderman.

"Oh, you're finally back?" Soren asked looking up from his notebook.

Ivor rolled his eyes, "Yes, well, it wouldn't have taken as long if  a certain SOMEONE hadn't made their staircase so damn long!"

I leaned over and whispered into Gabriel's ear, "I'm telling you he's compensating for something."

All Gabriel did was hold his laughter so that Soren didn't get suspicious. But, he failed miserably, bursting out laughing within seconds. Ivor and Soren shot him weird looks.

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