You're All Mine (Aiden x F. Jesse)

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(Aiden's POV)
Work has been rough recently, and I just feel so overwhelmed. The week before, my girlfriend left me for some other guy who was supposedly "nicer" than me. I sighed as I plopped down onto the couch and stared up at the ceiling.

After a minute or two of staring at the ceiling, an idea popped into my head. Tonight there was a "Happy Hour" at a nearby club, where drinks were 75% off. In my opinion that's a steal on alcohol in this town. I headed to my room and prepared for my night out on the town.

At the club, I immediately went to the bar as I passed a few drunks laying around on the loveseats and couches. As soon as I sat down and got a drink, something caught my eye. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a beautiful young lady. She had jet black hair, dark emerald green eyes, and a gorgeous navy blue dress on. I took a sip of my drink as I kept my eyes on her.

After a while, she noticed that I was staring at her and scowled. She started walking over to me before she stopped and put her hand on her hips. I let out a low dog whistle before saying,

"How's it going sexy?"

With that she smacked me in the face before yelling,

"What the fuck you pervert!"

She turned around as she began to walk away. She didn't get far though because I grabbed her hand and pulled her into my lap. I wrapped my arms around her waist to prevent her from sliding out of my lap. She struggled to get out of grip as she shouted and screamed at me.

"Hush, sweetheart, we don't need to draw in any unwanted attention now do we?" I asked teasingly.

She tried to pull out her phone to call for her boyfriend but was unsuccessful. I snatched her phone and put it in my pocket.

"Who do you think your calling, huh?" I asked huskily.

The young woman continued to thrash around, "Let me go! You perverted prick!"

"What's your name, sweetheart?" I asked.

She growled, "Jesse, Jesse's my name."

I chuckled, "Why don't we head back to my place, Jesse?"

"No, now let me go!" she shouted.

I took a small syringe out of my pocket and rolled up her sleeve a bit. Jesse saw the syringe out of the corner of her eye and started to desperately grab at my arms and pull them apart. Unfortunately for her, she was unsuccessful and the syringe needle pierced her arm. The anesthetic was pumped into her arm and, within seconds, Jesse was passed out in my arms.

After rushing her back to my place, I went into the bedroom and placed her onto the bed. As I undressed her, I had to resist the urge to fuck her until she woke up. I grabbed a few belts and strapped her arms to the bedposts. Now all I could do was wait for her to wake up.

(Jesse's POV)
My head throbbed as I began to stir. I opened my eyes and my vision was slightly blurry. All I could really see was a silhouette of a man with dark brown hair and green eyes. Once my vision straightened out, I noticed that the guy on top of me was none other than that pervert from the club. I also noticed that I had no clothing on, not even my bra nor underwear.

"What the actual HELL! Why am I here?!" I asked furiously.

This only caused him to chuckle, "Well, gorgeous, we are here to have a little bit of fun."

I didn't like the sound of that. Who the hell does this guy think he is. Forcing himself on a young woman, like myself, is something only a lonely psychopath would do.

"Let me go right now!" I shouted at him.

"Not gonna happen. You're all mine right now," he said seductively.

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