Chapter Ch137.3 - Respect

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There seemed to be a translucent figure by the knight's sword that was still wrapped up in chains. It couldn't be seen clearly in the dark, but Wu Jin had no time to concern himself over it. He stepped off the horse and approached the coded lock, inputting in the name of the lady's lover, Anna...

The chain clicked open!

Wu Jin unhesitatingly reached out to grasp the handle of the sword. Light flowed down the sword, and there was even a tiny electric sheen along the blade. Wu Jin was almost certain that the program team had added power to the knight's sword!

Just before Wu Jin mounted the horse to slaughter his way back, he suddenly saw another pair of translucent hands holding onto the sword handle along with him.

Wu Jin stopped and looked up at the ghost knight.

Contrary to Wu Jin's imagination, Julie was gentle and beautiful. She wore a snow-covered cloak and lace cap, and there was a rare inherent beauty that showed when she smiled. It was difficult to imagine that this was a swordswoman who had fought all over France.

Julie spoke quietly, "Take it and fight for your lover."

Wu Jin flushed and explained quickly that he was going to save Vera, "Not-not a lover..."

Julie smiled, "Perhaps one day, you will fight for your lover's sake."

"May you be like me. Be brave, be devout, and never regret."


The ghost dissipated slowly.

Wu Jin was stunned for a few seconds, then he mounted the mare and ran off to the Palace of Versailles once again.

The fire was nearly extinguished.

18 survivors.

In the wing tower, in Queen Marie's inner room.

Just as Caesar hesitated over how to eliminate Vera, the horse neighed from outside the window.

Beneath the high tower, Wu Jin stood there alone with a sword in hand.

Lan, who was guarding the door, narrowed her eyes, "You're alone?"

Wu Jin nodded.

Lan looked at him for a long time, then smiled suddenly, "A gentleman's duel?"

Wu Jin thought for a moment, "Anything is fine, but don't touch Vera."

Lan rapped on the window. "Interesting." She turned back, "There's an A-level trainee here to gift points. Who wants it?"

Zoe's face was expressionless, "What about Contestant Wei? Did he go off on his own when the decisive battle arrived?"

Wen Lin was helpless, "You... You're unhappy when Contestant Wei follows beside Little Witch, but if he's not following, you're also unhappy..."

The young woman with long pink hair immediately raised her hand, "Me, me, me!"

Lan: "Okay!"

Two minutes later, Wu Jin walked up to the tower, and his sword came out of the scabbard.

The knight's sword and the bayonet clashed, and the bayonet quivered before breaking into two. The little sister froze and then suddenly stabbed at Wu Jin's carotid artery--

The youth dodged, his lean body leaning back, his blade sharp and bright. After two rounds of confrontation, a life-saving capsule popped out.

17 survivors.

Wu Jin gasped for breath lightly, supporting himself up with one knee, his movements smooth. His gaze was steady and full of fighting spirit, "Next. Who's up."

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