Chapter 123.2- Black Mass

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In the distance, two competitors came running over. The first one moved like the wind. Seeing that Wu Jin was holding a shovel, they quickly also picked up a shovel from beneath a tree and ran over to Wu Jin with a swish.

Ming Yao’s eyes were narrowed with his smile, and he looked like a fox with a big tail. The scent of perfume from the mistress lingered on him, just like on Wu Jin. “Little Witch, let’s play in the mud! Together, together!”

“......” Wu Jin had never met such a brazen person who came so shamelessly to try and obtain the instance rules. Vera quietly approached Ming Yao’s teammate and divided the battlefield.

Wu Jin thought about it a little, and thought of how the soil was hard to dig up and simply nodded. “Together.”

Now, it was Ming Yao who looked warily at Wu Jin.

The two of them took turns digging for a few minutes. Wu Jin quietly kept them digging in the direction away from the hard objects that the shovel had encountered before, and Ming Yao suddenly tossed the shovel away. “You’re being lazy!”

Wu Jin quibbled, “No, I’m not!”

Ming Yao crossed his arms over his chest and was about to leave, “I’m not digging anymore, you play by yourself.”

Wu Jin was very happy, “Okay, okay!”

Ming Yao looked back with every step, saw Wu Jin staring at the dirt, and then leapt back in an instant. He picked up a shovel, wanting to intercept the booty.

There was nothing in the earth.

Wu Jin made an expression like he’d seen the light, and tossed the shovel away, waving a hand to Vera, “Let’s go.”

Ming Yao was immediately stunned silly. He quickly crouched beside the big pit and meditated on it, then beckoned for his teammate to come over, “Take a look at what’s inside, am I stupid––”

His teammate was simply tired of it, “Are you stupid! There’s nothing inside, he tricked you! Let’s catch up with Little Witch’s team!”

Ming Yao slapped himself on the head and ran off at full tilt.

In the Grand Trianon Palace, Wu Jin and Vera were shuttling quickly through the corridors, with hurried footsteps behind them. When they passed Montespan’s room, Vera tossed a stone into the opposite corridor and pushed open the door, pulling Wu Jin inside to hide.

The pursuers finally went away.

“We don’t have much time.” Vera pulled out her machete, “They’ll find this place soon.”

Wu Jin nodded, and searched through Montespan’s bookcase as fast as lightning. Romance novels, legal documents, legal documents, more legal documents––

Wu Jin’s fingers paused.

A guest log for 1677.

Between April and July were hundreds of densely packed entries. After glancing through it, Wu Jin stuffed the record into his combat uniform and picked out several other books related to religion off the bookshelf.

Vera: “Ready to go?”

Wu Jin: “Wait half a minute.” The youth quickly took out pen and paper from the desk and wrote a small line of text, &#k2018;Peace Hall in the Palace of Versailles, the third cabinet to the left’ and stuck it in the lower right corner of the painting.

“......” Vera watched as Wu Jin forged clues and quickly gave him a thumbs up. Apart from the writing that was round and overly cute, there was nothing wrong with it at all!

Surprise! The Supposed Talent Show Was Actually-?!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt