Single Dad Pt 3

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Today is Friday. Colby and I have been talking everyday since our date, I'm still not sure if I should go to the party or not tonight
"YN go it's fine. Your 21 and need to get out there and any way I'm home now for 2 weeks so take advantage of this" Dave my mums boyfriend and Jacks farther says. He surprised us yesterday after mums shift at work. I also have a few days off from work now as well
"Hmm. Fine"
"Just make sure you dress appropriately. Your dad will kill me if I let you out the house in anything inappropriate"
"Says you who drives a tank" I laugh
"Hey your dads scary when he wants to be. Remember he's a police officer"
"That's true"

I pull up outside a huge house that Colby sent me an address for. I walk up to the door which is wide open
"YN" I hear someone call my name. I look over to see kat run up to me "you came. Colby said he wasn't sure if you were coming"
"Yeah neither was I until a few hours ago" Kat takes my hand and brings me over to the kitchen "hey lover boy your girls here" Kat says making me raise my eyebrows
"Oh hey YN you came" Colby says kinda awkwardly
"Yup" I smile
"Ok so you know Colby, me and Sam. This is Brennen, Kevin, Jake, Tara and Corey. Our other friends are around here somewhere" Kat says
"Hi it's nice to meet you all"
"You too. Colbys told us a lot about you" Brennen says shaking my hand
"Oh really?"
"Do you want a drink?" Kevin asks
"Sure" he hands me a red cup "thanks"

It's been an hour or so and everyone's walked off so it's just Colby and I
"So what was that?" I ask Colby
"You getting all awkward when the others were teasing"
"Oh. Well... can we chat outside?"
"Of course" I follow Colby outside where there's a huge pool "so what do you want to talk about"
"I like you. Like a lot. I know it's still really early but yeah I just wanted to let you know" I lean in and kiss him and he kisses me back
"I really like you too" I smile. 

2 years later
"Ally come on we're going to be late" I yell making her sandwiches for school
"Morning babe" Colby kisses my cheek then grabs the toast out of the toaster. I've been living with Colby now for 6 months. Colby and I have been together since the night of that party
"I'm coming" I hear Ally yell and run down the stairs
"Right have we got everything?" I ask
"Thank you for doing the school run for me. I'm already late to mine and Sams meeting"
"It's fine" this is the first time I'm doing the school run "I'm meeting up with the girls in a bit so I was going out anyway"
"I'll see you later" Colby pecks my lips then gives Ally a kiss on her forehead
"Ok come on Ally let's go" Ally and I make our way out of the door and to my car. I strap her in then drive to her school. We get out the car and walk up to the gate where her teacher is
"Ahh it's nice to finally meet Ally's mum" she says
"Oh I'm..."
"Bye mum I'll see you later" Ally says and runs in
"Like I said. It's good to meet Allys mum" I smile at her teacher and get back into my car.

"She called me mum this morning" I tell the girls
"You have basically become her mum in the last 2 years and now you live with them" Tara says
"Do you not want her to call you mum?" Devyn asks confused
"No it's not that it makes me think about what if Colby and I were to have a child. Would she feel singled out? Like I've been there I know what it's like for your parents to split up and move on with different partners and have other kids. I mean I'm lucky I get on with my step parents but that feeling of not belonging sucks and I don't want her to ever feel like that" I look down at my drink
"But look at how your parents handled it. You were and still are involved" Xepher says
"I know. I guess just thinking Colby is only 24 and I'm only 23 and I'm thinking of having kids with him is scary"
"Hey I've thought about having kids with Sam and yeah it's scary but if you want to have a baby now then what's stopping you?"
"A lot. I'm 23 Kat. My career is taking off, like I got call back for the pretty little liars reboot and I don't want to bring a child into this world if things don't work out between Colby and I"
"Do you really think that you and Colby will split up? Your soulmates trust me Colby's not going anywhere" Devyn say
"Like I said if you want a baby. Talk to him. You never know he might be feeling the same way"

Colbys POV
We finish up our meeting and are just sat now in Mac Donald's
"You gotta tell her bro"
"Yeah but what if she doesn't feel the same or doesn't want kids or..."
"Dude are you serious? She's taken Ally on like she's her own"
"Ok yeah your right I'm gonna tell her when we get home"  Sam and I finish up our food then go home. I walk through the door to see YN cleaning the kitchen. I walk up to her and wrap my arms around her
"Hey Babe" she says turning around
"Can we talk?" I ask her. She looks at me a little scared
"Errr actually there's something I wanted to talk to you about as well" she says making me nervous
"Ok you go first"
"No you because I don't want to say it then you say something else and then I'll..." I kiss her to tell her to shut up
"I love you YN and I want to have a baby with you"
"Wait what?"
"Yeah but I don't know if you..." she kisses me
"That's what I wanted to talk about. I want to have a baby. I have for a while but then Ally called me mum this morning and it just made me want one more"
"So when shall we start trying?" Colby smirks
"Hey I need to come off the pill first so not yet"
"But we could practice?" Colby carry's on smirking and sits me up on the counter making me giggle
"I love you Colby"
"I love you to YN"

Pt 4? Where YN and Colby find out she's pregnant? Maybe make this into a mini series or I could write a separate book for this? Let me know!

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